Our Y5 class is led by Mr Stansfield supported by our teaching assistants, Mrs Mills and Miss Kildare.
Y5 have PE on Thursday. Children wear their complimentary Roby Park PE kit to school – white logo tshirt, navy joggers and jacket. In the warmer months, children may want to wear their burgundy shorts.
Reading Books
Children are allocated multiple books weekly on Rising Stars Reading Planet as well as a physical book which is changed weekly, linked to their stage of Reading. Physical books are changed every Thursday. We expect children to read for 10 minutes every night and then to complete the end of book comprehension quiz online when they come to the end of their book. You can access Reading Planet here.
Recommended Reading List
If you are looking for further reading inspiration, look no further!
Home Learning
- Children are to read for 10 minutes per night and bring their reading log in everyday, signed by an adult.
- Spelling and times table home learning will be set on a Monday via Emile and should be completed by Monday.
Class Curriculum Maps
Click on the links below to find out more about our half termly Topics:
Curriculum Overviews & Progression Maps
Head to our ‘Curriculum‘ page to discover the whole school curriculum overviews and progression in skills across the school.
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