Cut Your Carbon
We are taking part in CUT YOUR CARBON this November. Children will be coming home with checklists they can use to work as a family to cut carbon. Those who return their checklist will receive a certificate! @EcoSchools
We are taking part in CUT YOUR CARBON this November. Children will be coming home with checklists they can use to work as a family to cut carbon. Those who return their checklist will receive a certificate! @EcoSchools
Extra-curricular clubs are now live on Parent Booking. Clubs will not run on the following dates so please make a note before you book: 14th Nov, 24th Nov, 15th Dec, 18th Dec, 21st Dec. Thank you to all of our staff for dedicating their time for free clubs
Each day this week, we will be sharing tips with you to help you cut your carbon. Why not go meat free for a day? We would love to see what you have cooked up!
As we try to cut carbon why not substitute 4 baths for 4 showers? Limiting showers to 4 minutes can help you save 44 litres of water!
52Why not say no to buying something new and recycle something you already have? You could even swap with a friend. Donating Christmas jumpers to school and/or helping yourself to a jumper is one way you can achieve this
Why not have a sort out and donate anything you no longer need? You can donate clothes to our @robertsrecycle
clothing box in school #cutyourcarbon
78Check out our Anti-Bullying chant from last week when we took part in Anti-Bullying Week
#AntiBullyingWeek #RPWellbeing
76Can you make at least one journey more sustainable by not having your car on the road? Don’t forget to complete your Cut the Carbon checklists and return to school on Friday for a prize! Together we can cut carbon and help the environment
52We loved wearing our Christmas jumpers yesterday for #ChristmasJumperDay2023 #RPEnrichment
73Today we had our latest @SSCCTY meeting. As it is national story telling week, we discussed how we could encourage more reading during the school day. Through discussion, each group could then cast a vote to contribute towards the whole school results! #SmartSchoolCouncil
59If you are in need of new uniform items, check out our rails and help yourself to whatever you may need. We are also collecting donations of clean, outgrown uniform also. Thank you.
44We promoted the British Value of democracy today in our @SSCCTY meeting ensuring everyone had their say! As this year is a leap year, we discussed how we would best like to spend an extra 24 hours. Most of us said we would like to spend it having fun with friends #RPBV #RPPHSE
47We discussed animals that live in our oceans as part of #WorldWildlifeDay & some asked how big some of the animals were. So, along with @Year2RobyPark we did some research and used ourselves to make the length of blue whales and orca. We were amazed at their size!
53During #WorldWildlifeDay2024 we sorted food chains, made our own and considered what can happen when a food chain is disrupted. We discovered the dangers on the food chain if animals go extinct, and how all different food chains are dependent on each other.
52Today in Year 6, we promoted the British Value of democracy through our smart school council session. Children were able to discuss what they would prefer to do with the extra day due to the leap year. The majority vote was to spend time with family and friends.
45We look forward to getting involved from 17th April with the bags we have pledged to collect
44Save the date! Parents & carers get limbering up and ready to get filthy! Our colour run is back for the 4th year running and again this year, we are choosing to support @cashforkidsliv and @hitsradiouk with @SamThompsonUK
More details to come around Easter.
50On #WorldWildlifeDay2024 we focused on reusing, reducing and recycling and the damage it can cause to the environment if we are careless. Listen to our important messages written by the children.
On #WorldWildlifeDay2024 we focused on reusing, reducing and recycling and the damage it can cause to the environment if we are careless. Listen to our important messages written by the children. 🌊 🐠 🌏 ❤️@EcoSchools pic.twitter.com/OE7ArCwAkJ
— Year 5 @ Roby Park Primary (@Year5RobyPark) March 13, 2024
Today we have been working on our digging skills. We worked really hard and supported each other to dig out all of the weeds, even the really big ones!
51As part of The Great Big School Clean we have been collecting litter from the school grounds and local area. The children have loved looking after their environment. #TheGreatBigSchoolClean
56Year 4 promoted the British Value of democracy through our smart school council session. Children were able to discuss ‘What ways can we be proud of ourselves and our school?’The majority vote was to treat each other with respect .
50This week we have continued helping with our litter picking, with lots of little helpers to ensure our playground is litter free. The children have have really enjoyed helping out and are determined to keep our school clean! Well done everybody!
46For our latest @SSCCTY meeting we discussed what ways we can be proud of our school and ourselves. We used our British values of respect and democracy to ensure that everybody had a say in our discussions before casting our votes! #RPBV #RPWellbeing
57Our annual colour run is back and all in aid of @cashforkidsliv who do an incredible job to support children in our school community cashforkidsgive.co.uk/campaign/sam-t
Please share the sponsor link far and wide to raise as much money as we can for this wonderful charity! Thank you for your support!
Please see the letter detailing the arrangements for the day: robyparkprimary.co.uk/wp-content/upl
58Our @SSCCTY meetings are pupil led and so this was a perfect chance to find out what they would like the reward to be for the house with the most house points and to share all of their ideas! Lots wanted bouncy castles but Taylor Swift and water parks were suggestions too!
53Macy and Poppy did a fantastic job of leading our @SSCCTY meeting today. Our focus was what reward we would like for the house with the most house points. The children loved sharing their ideas and taking part in a democratic vote. #Democracy #BritishValues
33As part of the Million Steps Challenge, @cashforkidsliv teamed up with publisher Simon & Schuster to offer all participating primary schools the chance to win a Library Pack of 20 books. Following the end of the challenge all schools that signed up were put into a draw, and…we’re thrilled to let you know that our school is a winner! Books are on their way to us and will go into our reading shed for our children to enjoy
69We have lots of surplus uniform in our uniform swap shop. Please help yourself save money and reduce preloved uniform going into landfill
111Well done House of the Year – Slytherin! We hope you enjoyed your ice creams
144Here are 2024-25 digital leaders who will be working with Mrs Lyon and Miss Sutton
8Say hello to our @EcoSchools reps 2024-25 who will be looking at our we can improve our community to aid bio diversity amongst other exciting projects with Mrs Allen
12Our fantastic wellbeing champions will continue their work, alongside Mrs Lyon and Mrs Tucker, to help support the wellbeing of their peers and our school community using their One Goal training
14In our Digital Leaders club, we had great fun with our
indi robot cars! We created loops and tracks for our robots to follow. #RPComputing
27Our democratically elected school councillors loved leading their first @SSCCTY meeting. We discussed what things we are most looking forward to in school this year. #BritishValues #democracy #RPPSHE
14Get involved in Recycle Week this week! You can help us by donating unwanted clothes to school as well as old tech lying around your house. Check out the presentation for more info…
Today we are coming together to support our local food bank. Children can bring in a donation and in return wear their own clothes. Thank you for your support
25Our @SSCCTY session focused on the British Values of democracy and tolerance as we discussed how we could raise awareness of the upcoming anti-bullying week #RPBritishValues #RPSchoolCouncil
12Our school councillors led our @SSCCTY session today focusing on the British Values of democracy & tolerance. We discussed how we could raise awareness of anti-bullying week & rocked out to @RockKidzUK giving us chance to discuss the message in the song #RPSchoolCouncil
For our most recent @SSCCTY meeting, we focused on the British Values of democracy & tolerance. We discussed how we could raise awareness of anti-bullying week & rocked out to @RockKidzUK giving us chance to discuss the message in the song! #RPPHSE
22Today we wore odd socks to show our support for #AntiBullyingWeek as well as discussing ways we can show and receive respect with Jigsaw Jack