Safeguarding and Child Protection
At Roby Park Primary School, we are committed to the continuous Safeguarding of our children and families and promote the ethos that;
Safeguarding is EVERYONE’S Responsibility
If you have any concerns,you can talk in confidence to Mrs Allen (Headteacher) who is the Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Mrs Lyon is fully trained as Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Somebody is always here to listen.
Governor With Responsibility For Safeguarding
Mrs Amy Tan
Signs and Symptoms of Potential Abuse
We expect all members of our school community to remain vigilant to the signs and symptoms of potential abuse and report any concerns to our Designated Safeguarding Leads. There are 4 main categories of abuse to be aware of;
- Physical Abuse
- Sexual Abuse
- Emotional Abuse
- Neglect
In addition to these 4 areas, the following Safeguarding issues are also high on our agenda;
- The Prevent Duty (Radicalisation & Extremism)
- Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
- Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
- Children Missing From Education (CME)
For further information on this, please refer to our School Safeguarding Policies.
How to Make a Referral
Should you have any Safeguarding concerns about our children or families, please speak directly to one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads in the first instance. In the rare event that they are not available, please speak to one of our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads. Contact can be made by either directly visiting the school or phoning the School Office on 0151 477 8340. All disclosures are treated in the strictest confidence. During weekends and holidays when school is closed, please make any referrals to:
MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) on 0151 443 2600
At all other times the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) acts as the ‘first point of contact’ for Children’s Social Care. EDT can be contacted using the same number as the MASH – 0151 443 2600. EDT will only respond to emergencies that cannot wait until the next working day. This is usually circumstances where there are immediate concerns regarding the welfare or safety of children or adults or if there is a risk of family breakdown and the Child(ren) are being placed in ‘care’.
In the event that you have a Safeguarding concern about a member of staff, please contact the Headteacher directly. If you have a Safeguarding concern about the Headteacher, please contact our Chair of Governors, Mrs Heather Haddley, whose contact details are available from the School Office. In either case the Headteacher or Chair of Governors will then refer to the Managing Allegations Policy when investigating the concern.
Internal Systems
Within our school, our internal system has a range of features and procedures to ensure that Safeguarding is continuously promoted and managed effectively. This includes the following;
- A Single Central Record which ensures all Staff, Governors and Volunteers have up to date DBS checks and that relevant teachers have an additional Prohibition check
- All staff have read Part 1 of the DfE document ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’
- All staff have completed a Disqualification by Association disclosure form
- All Safeguarding disclosures and interventions are recorded on CPOMs
- We seek advice from, and at times make referrals to, a range of multi-agency professionals
- Safeguarding features as a regular agenda item for Governors, Senior Leadership Team, Teachers and Staff meetings
- Staff undertake regular Safeguarding training both internally and externally
- Safeguarding features within our School Evaluation and School Improvement Plan and is informed by the completion of audit tools
- DSLs attend the Designated Safeguarding Lead training
- A prominent Safeguarding display is located in the office area and the staffroom
- Safeguarding posters (Our Safe School) posters are in all bathrooms
- Fortnightly senior safeguarding meetings are undertaken to review and support DSLs in leading cases
- Curriculum provision promotes British Values and ensures opportunities for our children to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to relevant aspects of Safeguarding, where it is deemed appropriate
Knowsley Continuum of Need
When assessing the needs of our children and families, we refer to the Knowsley Continuum of Need as highlighted above. We aim for all of our children and families to be placed at either Level 1 or 2 on the Continuum. However in the event that circumstances result in children and families being considered to be at Level 3 or above, appropriate support and/or intervention is offered to address this.
The diagram above illustrates the different thresholds of need and appropriate responses.
Level 1 – All children accessing mainstream services with low-level need that can be met by a single agency.
Level 2 – Children with emerging needs or low level CSE concerns that can be met with the support of a multi-agency Early Help Assessment and Plan.
Level 3 – Children with multiple or complex needs including medium risk of CSE have to be met by targeted services or by a multi-agency Early Help Assessment or by other specialist assessments e.g.CSE Measurement Tool / Education Health Care Plan.
Level 4 – Children who present with acute needs /risk. Including high level CSE concerns / risk. They will require specialist social worker or multi-agency statutory response.
Relevant Policies:
- Child Protection Policy
- Anti-bullying Policy
- Asthma Policy
- School Attendance Policy
- Complaints Policy
- Pupil Leave of Absence
- Drugs Education Policy
- Equality Policy
- Equality Objectives
- Exclusions Policy
- First Aid Policy
- Intimate Care Policy
- Lockdown Procedure
- Online Safety Policy
- Positive Behaviour & Relationships Policy
- PREVENT Policy
- PSHE Policy
- RSE Policy
- Supporting Children with Medical Conditions
- Whistleblowing Policy