In February 2019, we introduced a new mastery led mathematics curriculum at Roby Park. Power Maths is a whole-class mastery programme designed to spark curiosity and excitement and helps teachers to nurture confidence in Maths. It is developed alongside a group of teachers to ensure Power Maths meets all the needs of children. As well as Power Maths, we have set aside a time of the day to focus on fluency and the teaching of key number facts including number bonds, times tables, doubling, halving etc.
Click on the link below to find out more about Power Maths:
Mathematics is central to learning. Our children lives are full of numbers. Mathematics also helps them to achieve well in other subjects such as science, computing, history and geography. It is vital to how our children learn and live.
The aim of our curriculum is to ensure that our children master their understanding of Mathematics at their age related expectations.
At Roby Park, we aim to develop children who:
- Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including the varied and regular practice of increasingly complex problems over time.
- Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, understanding relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language.
- Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.
For further support, please download this leaflet on Mastery Maths.
Below are our long term plans for Maths by year group:
- YR Maths Overview
- Y1 Maths Overview
- Y2 Maths Overview
- Y3 Maths Overview
- Y4 Maths Overview
- Y5 Maths Overview
- Y6 Maths Overview
- Whole School Maths Curriculum Overview
If you want to support your child with their Maths, below are prompt sheets to support you:
- Y1 Helpful Hints Sheet
- Y2 Helpful Hints Sheet
- Y3 Helpful Hints Sheet
- Y4 Helpful Hints Sheet
- Y5 Helpful Hints Sheet
- Y6 Helpful Hints Sheet
- Key Vocabulary Glossary
- Y1 Key Vocabulary List
- Y2 Key Vocabulary List
- Y3 Key Vocabulary List
- Y4 Key Vocabulary List
- Y5 Key Vocabulary List
- Y6 Key Vocabulary List
Relevant Policies:
- Maths Policy
- Power Maths Reception Calculation Policy
- Power Maths KS1 Calculation Policy
- Power Maths LKS2 Calculation Policy
- Power Maths UKS2 Calculation Policy
Maths Chatter

Y4 Maths
In our maths lessons we have been using base ten to help us solve division problems involving remainders
Y6 Forest School
During Forest school, the children completed a range of tasks such as, building and lighting a log cabin fire, pacing out 100m with accuracy and building a free standing flag pole! #RPForestschool
YN Maths
This week in maths we have been learning all about the number 2, we have been practicing writing the numeral 2 on whiteboards. In phonics we have been learning about syllables, some of us can clap and count the syllables in our names!

YN Bed Time Routines
Over the last few weeks in Nursery we have been learning about bed time routines, some of us have ordered our bed time routine and discussed our favourite part. We have also been matching amounts to numerals using pegs!
Y3 & Y4 Help Your Child Thrive Programme
We are thrilled to have @PlusOneCIC returning to Roby Park to deliver the Help Your Child Thrive Programme to Y3 & Y4 parents in January.
See the letter below for more details and find out how to secure your place: robyparkprimary.co.uk/wp-content/upl
YN Forest School
Nursery had an amazing time at forest school. We searched for bugs and we made faces using natural materials. We also used rope to make shapes and even got to see how to start fire!
Y4 Maths
In fluency maths we have been using the
to help us consider ‘many as 1’ and see that a ‘unit’ can represent more than one #RPMaths #MasteringNumber
Y1 Science
After seeing how we can group animals based on their characteristics, we have moved onto grouping them by their diets. Today we completed venn diagrams to groups animals into omnivores, herbivores and carnivores
YN Maths
This week we have been creating flower patterns in Maths! The children have been fantastic at creating their repeating patterns!
Y5 History
History was all about maths today! Y5 learnt : The Maya were one of the first civilisations to use the concept of zero; they counted in base 20 and they used dots and bars to represent 5s and 1s. Children then created their own number line to 20. #RPHistory
Y2 Growing Up Week
Growing up week was a fantastic end to an amazing spring term. The children were able to come to school dressed as what they want to be when they grow up. We had vets, doctors, hair dressers, artists, chefs, beauticians, soldiers, footballers and dancers. #aspirations #DreamBig
Y1 Growing Up Week
As part of growing up week we talked about where money came from. This lead us to discussing what we want to be when we grow up to earn money and then dressing up as this career! From footballers to doctors, ballerinas and vets – we all have high aspirations! #RPGrowingUpWeek
Y6 Growing Up Week
Another part of our week has been focused around economic education. We explored how to effectively manage a bank account, the usefulness of online banking and interest rates. We also had an informative junior tax fact workshop from
Y6 Maths
This week in Maths, we have been exploring the topic of algebra. We started the week by finding a rule, then we looked at substitution and have started to explore simplifying expressions using concrete resources.
YN NSPCC Number Day
Today we wore clothes with numbers or patterns on to raise money for @NSPCC
We enjoyed our Maths activities across the day, especially colouring and ordering our Number Blocks! #RPMaths #RPEnrichment #NumberDay2024
YR NSPCC Number Day
Today we wore clothes with numbers or patterns on to raise money for @NSPCC
We enjoyed maths activities today including creating our own number line and representing numbers to 10. #RPMaths #RPEnrichment #NumberDay2024
NSPCC Number Day 2024
We are raising money for NSPCC. We will be collecting £1 donations and children can wear clothes with numbers on or patterns. We will also be hosting a small cake sale after school, on the main playground
Y2 Maths
Y2 loved finding efficient ways of adding 2 digit & 1 digit numbers. One child said, “When I was using the tens frames I noticed that I can use number bonds to 10 to help work out 18+5. It was quick & is now 1 of my favourite methods.”? #RPMaths
YR Maths
In maths this week we have been comparing amounts using the vocabulary more and fewer. We had a dilemma while making our fruit skewers, there wasn’t enough of each item for everyone. We compared amounts and even did some great subitising. #RPMaths
We then painted our own different sized pumpkins
We then painted our own different sized pumpkins. Fantastic, Nursery! ? #RPMaths #RPEYFS
We have also been comparing different sized pumpkins!
We have also been comparing different sized pumpkins! We found a big, medium and small pumpkin. We talked about the different sizes and put them in order. Well done, Nursery! ? #RPMaths #RPEYFS
Today we have been creating some spooky pizzas.
Today we have been creating some spooky pizzas. We practised our counting 1-5 using spiders. The children had great fun! ?️?️ #RPMaths #RPEYFS
Representing 5!
Representing 5! Children have been exploring with different ways to represent 5, they found many ways. #RPMaths
Developing our addition and subtraction skills ➕➖
During maths, we used place value grids and counters to develop our addition and subtraction skills of four digit numbers ➕➖#RPMaths #PowerMaths
Rounding numbers to the nearest 100,000
Year 5 have recently been using number lines to develop our understanding of rounding numbers to the nearest 100,000.#RPMaths @WhiteRoseEd @Pearson_UK
Most importantly Year 2 find these approaches fun & engaging
Research from @EducEndowFoundn shows that collaborative learning has a big impact on children’s progress. Most importantly Year 2 find these approaches fun & engaging. Here are some of our class working collaboratively to solve place value problems in maths @pearson #powermaths