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Science Chatter

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In science we investigated the effects different liquids have on teeth.


In science we investigated the effects different liquids have on teeth. We used our observation skills to record the effects different liquids had on eggs that had been soaked in a liquid for days. We then used a toothbrush to demonstrate the benefits of brushing.

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We have been looking at animals in science and today we learnt that we can group animals based on their diet???


We have been looking at animals in science and today we learnt that we can group animals based on their diet. We worked hard in groups to discuss what animals eat and to then identify which are carnivores, omnivore and which are herbivores ??? @DevelopExperts #RPScience

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We have been looking at animals in science that are both wild and those that are pets


We have been looking at animals in science that are both wild and those that are pets. We discussed these with our friends, grouped them and then worked collaboratively as a class to complete the interactive quiz on what we have been learning ??? #RPScience

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In science year 2 investigated the impact of exercise on their bodies


In science year 2 investigated the impact of exercise on their bodies. They loved going outside to test their balance and coordination and worked collaboratively to collect and record their findings. #RPscience #learningisfun #primaryscience #stem

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Today we had an exciting visit from @AnimalsTakeOver


Today we had an exciting visit from @AnimalsTakeOver We had the opportunity to meet and hold some amazing animals! We met a bearded dragon, owl, mouse, frog, hedgehog, chinchilla… and even a snake! Nursery were very brave! ???? #RPEnrichment #RPScience

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Our workshop with @AnimalsTakeOver today


Our workshop with @AnimalsTakeOver today allowed us to meet and hold some of the animals we have been learning about in science -amphibians, birds, reptiles and mammals! We spoke about their habitats, diets and sleeping habits too!????? #RPScience #RPEnrichment

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Our workshop with @AnimalsTakeOver allowed us to meet and hold some of the animals


Our workshop with @AnimalsTakeOver allowed us to meet and hold some of the animals we have been learning about in science. We spoke about what the animals need to survive and discussed what is essential for them to live healthily #RPScience #RPEnrichment

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We had an engaging and informative visit from @AnimalsTakeOver this morning


We had an engaging and informative visit from @AnimalsTakeOver this morning. We all had the opportunity to handle a range of animals. We developed our knowledge of gestation and gestational periods of mammals #RPEnrichment #RPScience

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We had a fantastic and informative visit from @AnimalsTakeOver


We had a fantastic and informative visit from @AnimalsTakeOver . The children had the opportunity to pet a range of animals and learn more about their food chains #RPScience #RPEnrichment

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Last week, we had a fun visit from @AnimalsTakeOver


Last week, we had a fun visit from @AnimalsTakeOver where we got to hold and pet some different animals, and learn about their skeletons too! #RPScience #RPEnrichment

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? ? It’s planting day! ??


? ? It’s planting day! ?? Year 5 are taking part in a national bulb project with @EdinaTrust . Our bulbs are planted our data is recorded. #plantingday #professorplant #RPenrichment

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Y5 Edina Project


Every morning we record the temperature and rainfall @EdinaTrust @Professor_Plant #BulbBuddies

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Y1 Science


We have been looking at humans and our senses and today was taste! We tried lemon juice, lettuce, popcorn, chocolate and apple before discussing its taste and rating it too! We discovered that everyone has different tastes! Next up…smell! #RPScience

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Y6 Science


This week in Science, we have been exploring electricity. We created simple circuits to begin with, then moved onto changing variables and monitoring voltage. We also explored how to fix broken circuits, as well as creating a set of traffic lights.


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YN Understanding the World


Last week we explored our topic of ‘Light and Dark’  We used our dark tent to find out which objects could be seen in the dark. We then discussed space and created a collaborative night sky with brightly coloured planets   #RPEYFS #RPUnderstandingTheWorld

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Y5 Science


In science, we learnt how the Earth moves in space. We used models to explain this and show how day and night happen.


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Y5 WATMO Project


Checkout these space pictures we created with oil pastels during our WATMO after school club. #RPEnrichment

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Y4 Science


In science we have been learning about sound. We investigated ‘What material makes the best insulators?’ The children began by making a prediction and then testing each material. Once they completed their table they evaluated their predictions. #RPScience

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Y2 Science


In science, Y2 loved comparing the differences between things that are living, dead & things that have never been alive. The children used their knowledge of the 7 characteristics of living things to identify & classify different things into 3 groups.


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Y3 Science


In Science, we have been investigating forces and magnets! We discovered how the poles attract and repel, along with how different materials can be magnetic. #RPScience


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Y4 Science


In Science, the children investigated how the volume of sound changes as they get further away from a sound source. They carried out this investigation by playing some music through a speaker and measuring the volume of sound using a decibel meter on the iPads #RPScience

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Y5 Science


This week in science, we have investigated air resistance by testing different materials for parachutes and water resistance by testing which shapes moved more quickly through the water. #RPSCIENCE

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Y5 Science


The children really enjoyed showcasing all of their fantastic work they had created through the WATMO project with

@4wfcomms. Thank you to our families that came along to support us. #RPSCIENCE #RPENRICHMENT
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Y3 Science


In Science, we have been learning about how compasses use Earth like a magnet. We followed some orienteering instructions and wrote some of our own! #RPScience

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Y1 Science


We have being look at seasonal changes in science and have been recording rainfall over the past few weeks. Today we used the data that we had collected to create a graph so we could see which weeks had the most and which had the least rainfall


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Y2 Science


In science this week, Y2 enjoyed learning about microhabitats. They discovered that damp logs are an ideal microhabitat for insects like centipedes, wood lice and slugs. It provides the ideal conditions for these living things to survive. #RPScience


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Y6 Science


Throughout Science this week, we have been exploring plant and animal adaptations, offspring and fossils. Moving forward, we are exploring how these link to the theory of evolution and natural selection. 

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Y2 Science


In science this week Y2 enjoyed learning about microhabitats.They discovered that damp logs are an ideal microhabitat for insects like centipedes, wood lice and slugs. It provides the ideal conditions for these living things to survive. #RPScience


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Y3 Science


In Science, we have been learning about light. Today, we investigated which materials around our classroom are reflective and non-reflective! #RPScience

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Y3 Science


In Science, we learned about how shadows are formed. We created shadow puppets with our hands and went outside to investigate our own shadows! #RPScience

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Y5 Science


This afternoon, after learning about solvents, solutes and solutions children set up an investigation to find out which clear liquid was pure water and which one was salty water. #RPScience

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Y3 Science


In Science, we created shadow puppets to investigate how the size and shape of a shadow can change. We used a torch and moved our puppets closer and further away to change the size of our shadows. #RPScience

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Y4 Science


In science we have been learning about states of matter. Today we investigated the melting points of different foods. First of all, the children made a prediction about which food will have the highest melting point before putting their results in a table

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Y5 Science


In science this week, year 5 observed a number of chemical reactions and learnt why they are irreversible. #RPScience

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Y1 World Wildlife Day


We discussed animals that live in our oceans as part of #WorldWildlifeDay & some asked how big some of the animals were. So, along with  @Year2RobyPark we did some research and used ourselves to make the length of blue whales and orca. We were amazed at their size!

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Y3 World Wildlife Day


During #WorldWildlifeDay2024 we sorted food chains, made our own and considered what can happen when a food chain is disrupted. We discovered the dangers on the food chain if animals go extinct, and how all different food chains are dependent on each other.

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Y4 World Wildlife Day


For #WorldWildlifeDay2024 we focused on food chains! We looked at the different types of producers, consumers and predators from a range of habitats. We created fact files on food chains to share what we have learnt 

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Y6 Forest School


Year 6 had a fabulous morning at forest school @Littlefoothq  We used mallets to help us build camouflaged shelters, hung hammocks and collected birch bark to light our own fires  #RPEnrichment

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Y4 Forest School


In today’s forest school session with @Littlefoothq we learnt how to safely use a mallet to put up a camouflage net and worked collaboratively to install a hammock  #RPEnrichment

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Y5 World Wildlife Day


On #WorldWildlifeDay2024 we focused on reusing, reducing and recycling and the damage it can cause to the environment if we are careless. Listen to our important messages written by the children.

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Y6 World Wildlife Day


During world wildlife day, we explored how our oceans have become polluted over time. We discussed the impact this has on our wildlife and explore ways we can help save our oceans.


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Y3 Science Week


For #BritishScienceWeek, we had a visit from @sublimescience. We experienced how sound can be made in lots of different ways and experienced an explosion too! It’s not magic, it’s science! #RPScience

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YR Forest School


Reception started the morning with a fantastic session with @Littlefoothq. We had to search for bugs and work collaboratively. Then we practised making our own fires using stones and sticks. We had a real fire and practised using the fire lighters. #RPEnrichment

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YR Science Week


This afternoon we had a visit from @sublimescience. We got to see how acetone can break down a polystyrene cup. We explored different instruments, including one you make with a straw! Reception had a fantastic time learning lots of new vocabulary and facts. #RPScience

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YN Science Week


Wow! What a fantastic visit from @sublimescience. We enjoyed watching lots of different science experiments and exploring different instruments! We especially loved the smoke circles and bubbles! We were amazed, thank you!  #RPScience #RPEnrichment

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YN Forest School


We had a great session with @Littlefoothq. First we went on a bug hunt! We then showed great resilience through using our hand-eye coordination to carefully hammer nails into wood! We ended the session by collecting sticks for our own fire  #RPEnrichment

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Y5 Science Week


For #BritishScienceWeek, we had a fantastic visit from @sublimescience. We experienced how air can move to produce sound, how we can defy gravity and how to make our very own sherbet ..It’s not magic, it’s science! #RPScience

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YN Understanding the World


To develop our understanding of the world, we have been exploring different materials. We discussed the differences between them and thought about which material would be best for the Three Little Pigs! #RPScience #RPEYFS

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Y2 Science


In science this week we identified a range of different materials & their uses. We also carried out an investigation to find the most suitable material for bridge building. One child said, “I loved making a prediction & then finding out if I was right.” #RPScience

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Y1 World Wildlife Day


For #WorldWildlifeDay we learnt about oceans and waters. We located waters that surround the UK, created posters to stop plastic pollution and save our oceans before creating under water scenes with wax after seeing the amazing colours in oceans around the world! 

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Y2 Science


In science we have been looking at materials. We began by identifying what material various objects were made out of before exploring different objects to work out the properties of different materials! 


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Y6 Growing Up Week


Today we have explored healthy and unhealthy relationships and what it means to have good communication. We discussed the process between meeting someone and deciding to make a family.  #RPGrowingup

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Y6 Growing Up Week


We started the week exploring drugs and alcohol. We discussed the effects drugs can have the body and practiced strategies for saying no to peer pressure. Another skill we learnt, was how to call the emergency services when someone is in need. #RPGrowingupweek

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YN Forest School


Today we had a great session with @Littlefoothq. We learnt how to make a raft for our insect friends to float on. We placed it in a large puddle that we found and used bark from the trees for the insects to eat! We ended the session by safely warming our hands on our campfire

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Y1 Growing Up Week


As part of growing up week, we looked at a variety of activities, foods and drinks and then worked collaboratively to rate these from healthy for us, to unhealthy. We said that even though some things are unhealthy, it’s okay to have them sometimes! #RPGrowingUpWeek

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Y2 Growing Up Week


Growing up week was a fantastic end to an amazing spring term. The children were able to come to school dressed as what they want to be when they grow up. We had vets, doctors, hair dressers, artists, chefs, beauticians, soldiers, footballers and dancers. #aspirations #DreamBig

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Y2 Science


In science this week we have been investigating the differences between bulbs & seeds in our lessons about plants. We also started investigating what a plant needs to grow by observing the changes over time of plants in different locations.


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Y2 Dental Hygiene


Year 2 had a great, engaging visit from school health who shared some top tips on how to stay on top of dental hygiene #teeth #cleanteeth

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Y6 Forest School


This week, we had a fantastic time in forest school with @Littlefoothq! From fire lighting, matching colour with natural materials and flower printing, Year 6 enjoyed exploring the first sights of spring. #RPForestschool #RPEnrichment

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Y1 Forest School


We had a wonderful morning spent with @Littlefoothq in forest school  From identifying trees, compass points, bug hunts, camouflaging ourselves, fire lighting & knot practice, we had a very busy morning with lots of stamps towards our forest school badges! Well done year 1!

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Y3 Forest School


In Forest School, we pitched our own shelters and practiced knot tying. Then, we had to create our own clay animal using decorations and imprints from natural resources! #RPForestSchool #RPEnrichment

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Y1 Science


We have begun looking at plants in science. We revisited what we already know and created a storyboard of how to plant seeds. We were then were able to plant our own using these…we don’t know what our seeds will grow into yet but we are excited to find out!

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Y4 Forest School


Year 4 had a fantastic forest school session with @Littlefoothq. We focused on achieving our blue and brown badges. To receive the blue badge you need to create a range of natural art pieces and to get the brown badge you had to identify natural materials #RPEnrichment

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Y5 Science


The children used an energy stick to test the conductivity of a variety of materials. They also completed a fair test to see which material would be an effective insulator.

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Y4 Science


In science we developed our understanding of electrical components by investigating series circuits  We then drew the circuits we created using the correct symbols #RPScience

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Y3 Science


In our Science this week, we created our own investigation to see what would happen if we affect the soil, water or sunlight that a plant receives. We also learned all about how water and nutrients are transported through a plant by the xylem and phloem. #RPScience

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YN Forest School


We started the term with a forest school session with @Littlefoothq. We practised our rope skills and worked collaboratively to build homes and find food for our insects! We ended the session by taking part in some colourful leaf printing!  #RPEnrichment

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Y3 Science


In our first Science lesson about scientific enquiry, we created solar ovens to melt chocolate. We positioned our ovens, measured temperature with thermometers and recorded how the sun was melting our chocolate!


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Y3 Science


In our Science, we have been investigating, predicting, changing variables and concluding. We cleaned coins to see which product was the most effective, and today made cakes, changing variables such as the amount of flour, sugar and butter. #RPScience


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Y6 Science


In Science we explored how light travels, how shadows are formed by the object that casts them and experimented with reflection and refraction. We made our own periscopes to see show that light travels in straight lines.  #RPScience

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YN Growing Topic


We have loved learning about our new topic ‘Growing’. After reading Eddie’s Garden, we went on a hunt around our sensory garden to see what we could spot that was growing! We found lots of colourful flowers!  #RPEYFS

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Y5 Forest School


Today we had a great session in forest school whereby we explored den building, leaf identification and practiced team building skills. 


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YN Science


This week we planted some sunflower seeds, just like Eddie from Eddie’s Garden!  We discussed what we needed to help them grow. We watered them and can’t wait to see them start to grow!  #RPEYFS #RPScience

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Y2 Science


In science we identified what we could do to help reduce the impact humans have on habitats. We carried out a litter audit of our school grounds & recorded our observations. This prompted discussions about how we could help protect habitats. #RPScience

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Y6 Forest School


We had a lovely session of forest school with @littlefoothq. We worked on our team building skills, practiced fire lighting and made natural art! #RPForestschool #RPEnrichment

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Oh What a Year 2023-24 Has Been!


Have the most wonderful Summer and we look forward to seeing you all in September!

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Y1 Science


We have been looking at materials and their properties in our final science unit and ended with designing three outfits for different weather conditions. We needed to ensure we considered the materials we would need to make the outfits suitable! #RPScience

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Y1 Science


After seeing how we can group animals based on their characteristics, we have moved onto grouping them by their diets. Today we completed venn diagrams to groups animals into omnivores, herbivores and carnivores 


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Y3 Science


In Science this week, we have been looking at nutrition and the human body. We know that the traffic light system is found on the front of food and looked at some examples. We also met our class skeleton ‘Bony Jack’ and began by looking at it’s bones! #RPScience


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Y1 Forest School


What a first forest school session! We kept warm in an emergency shelter, practised our fire lighting, worked collaboratively to made bug houses and used ropes to make various shapes – all activities towards stamps on our forest school skills! #RPEnrichment


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Y4 Science


In our science lesson we began our investigation on how our teeth are affected by different liquids. We discussed how to ensure it’s a fair test and made predictions on what will happen. 


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Y5 Science


In our science lessons this week we have been looking at the life cycles of mammals. We researched the gestation periods of different mammals and made some top trump cards. #RPScience

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Y6 Science


In Science this week, we have been exploring the circulatory system. We completed an experiment whereby we tested the rate of blood flow through arteries, capillaries and veins. #RPScience