What is the Junior Dukes Award?

Junior Dukes is an award scheme inspired by the Duke of Edinburgh Award and aimed at primary pupils that encourages the development of valuable life skills. There are seven levels:

  • Nano Duke (YN)
  • Micro Duke (YR)
  • Silver Mini Duke (Y1)
  • Gold Mini Duke (Y2)
  • Bronze Junior Duke (Y3)
  • Silver Junior Duke (Y4)
  • Gold Junior Duke (Y5)
  • Platinum Junior Duke (Y6)


What experiences are students involved in as a result?

Each of the levels contain ten challenges. In order to complete a level, pupils need to complete seven of these challenges successfully.

Challenges include mastering skills such as first aid, ICT, art, drama, music, sport, cookery, amongst a variety of other experiences.

Pupils will be required to complete the challenges outside of school with help from friends and family, although support will be given in school where needed.


How does the Junior Duke benefit our students?

The skills gained through taking part in the Duke awards are valuable for our students both in school and in later life. Pupils gain confidence, independence, resilience and adaptability when embarking on the challenges within each level. By taking part in the Duke awards, pupils become better equipped to deal with the everyday challenges. Children love to do things without help. They simply need the time and space to explore, learn from their mistakes and to learn to be safe.


How you can get involved?

At the beginning of the year, the Junior Duke lead teachers launch the awards via school assemblies and parent/carer workshops.

During this time, pupils are exposed to the content and structure of the awards and an insight into what sorts of experiences they might be involved in. Every pupil from YN-Y6 is given the opportunity to participate. Pupils will then receive a booklet which is to be completed as a feature of the programme.


Meet Our Junior Dukes Ambassador



Each booklet outlines the ten challenges which seven need to be completed. There is a writing element to each of the challenges and a page for inserting photographic evidence. Upon completion of a challenge, pupils take their booklet to their “Duke Leader”, who will sign it off.

Once seven challenges have been completed and signed off, they will have completed the level. Upon completing a level, a certificate and a badge are awarded during our celebration assembly. Then all children who have been awarded their Junior Dukes badge and certificate, they will be invited to our Summer celebration – our huge Junior Dukes Festival.

For more information on the Awards visit https://juniorduke.com/


Who Are Our Duke Leaders?

Relevant Documents:

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Junior Dukes Chatter

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Y2 Junior Dukes

Year 2 @ Roby Park Primary
This week we had our

meeting. Y2 loved sharing their challenges for their gold Mini Junior Duke Award. It has been great to see all the amazing things that you have been up to and the hard work you have put into your challenges! #RPEnrichment

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Y4 Junior Dukes

Year 4 @ Roby Park Primary
Yesterday, we had another

meeting and 3 more of our class completed 7 challenges to earn their badge! There are so many skills being learned across Year 4 including cooking, time management and first aid #RPEnrichment

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Y6 Junior Dukes

Year 6 @ Roby Park Primary
We started the week with our

meeting. The children showcased the brilliant tasks they have completed and had them signed off by our leaders! Well done to all who are working their way through the journals towards their platinum award  #RPEnrichment

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Y5 Junior Dukes

Year 5 @ Roby Park Primary
We enjoyed our latest Junior Dukes meeting where we got to share with the class which challenges we had completed. Keep up the good work!


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Y3 Junior Dukes

Year 3 @ Roby Park Primary
Yesterday we had another one of our

meetings and 5 of us completed our 7 challenges to earn our badge! There are so many skills being learned across Year 3 including cooking, being independent and learning life saving skills. #RPEnrichment

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Y1 Junior Dukes

Year 1 @ Roby Park Primary
Today we had our

meeting and five more of us have completed our Silver Mini Junior Dukes! It has been so lovely to see all the amazing things that you have been up to and the hard work you have put into your challenges! #RPEnrichment

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YN Junior Dukes

Nursery @ Roby Park Primary
Junior Duke – Today we had a Junior Duke’s meeting. We looked at and read each other’s journals, some of us have completed the challenges and will be receiving our certificates and badges soon!! #RPEnrichment

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Junior Dukes

Roby Park Primary School
Another 4 children and their families are on the guestlist for our

summer festival. Will you be joining the 35 children so far? Don’t forget to complete journals over the weekend with written reflections and photo evidence of challenge completions and bring to school on Monday.

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Junior Dukes


Our next @JuniorDukeAward meeting is on Monday 10th February. We look forward to signing children’s challenges off which are complete with photos/evidence and written reflections

Children who complete 7/10 challenges will be awarded their certificate and badge in our weekly celebration assemblies and their family will be added to the guestlist for our @JuniorDukeAward Summer Festival!

Will you be partying with us?


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YR Junior Dukes


A huge well done to a member of our Reception class for completing their Micro Duke award! You have worked very hard! 


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Y1 Junior Dukes


It has been lovely to see all the incredible work and effort year 1 have been putting into their Junior Duke challenges! A masssive well done to our first two superstars to complete their Silver Mini Duke award! 


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Check Out What is Coming Up This Spring Term….

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Junior Dukes Meeting


Due to illness, we postponed yesterday’s @JuniorDukeAward meeting until Thursday. If your child has not returned their journal, please do so by Thursday morning at the latest.

We have taken the decision to present all children with their certificates and badge upon completion of challenges in our celebration assemblies and all children awarded with their Junior Duke badge will be invited to our prestigious garden party in the Summer term!  

If you have misplaced your child’s journal, please replace it by ordering from the shop on the Junior Duke webpage: https://t.co/SdIyKp8yDn


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Y2 Forest School


In forest school @Littlfoothq helped us to complete our @JuniorDukeAward safety challenge by showing us the key safety issues we need to be aware of when toasting marshmallows and when we are around fire  We even had time for a sing song around the fire.

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Junior Dukes Meeting – 16th December


Children have until Monday 16th December to take on some of their @JuniorDukeAward challenges and update their journals, ahead of their class Duke Meeting.

Please add photos/evidence of challenges and complete reflections.

All children must bring their journals in to school on Monday 16th December please.

Children will get their challenges signed off by their Duke Leaders and earn 10 points per challenge plus an additional 100 points when they have completed all 7 challenges. That is an incredible 170 points in total for them and their team!

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Junior Duke Winners


Congratulation to our first @JuniorDukeAward winners. Alice in YN is our first Nano Duke winner and Alex YR & Dolly YR are our first Mirco Duke winners. Well done on your accomplishments as well as earning 100 Class Chart points for your Houses

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YN Nano Duke Winner


Congratulations to one of our pupils in Nursery for completing her Nano Duke Award. She has completed all seven of the challenges meaning she has received a certificate and a badge! 

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Junior Duke Award


We would love to see what challenges you have completed so add your photos and videos below or on our Facebook page to be included in our @JuniorDukeAward movie 

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Junior Dukes Meeting #1


We are excited for our first @JuniorDukeAward meeting this Monday. We look forward to children sharing their challenges and reflections


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Check out our latest newsletter #RPNews

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Y5 & Y6 Junior Duke Workshop


Thank you to all our parents and carers who were able to attend our @JuniorDukeAward meeting! It was lovely to be able to discuss which activities the children would like to complete over the year.  #RPEnrichment

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Y3 & Y4 Junior Dukes Workshop


Thank you to all our parents and carers who attended our first @JuniorDukeAward workshop! We look forward to seeing the children complete as many challenges as they can #RPEnrichment

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Y5 & Y6 Junior Duke Workshop


Thank you to all our parents who came to our @JuniorDukeAward Workshop yesterday! It was lovely to see you and see the children so enthusiastic about the different challenges. I can’t wait to see how you all get on! #RPEnrichment

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Junior Dukes Ambassador


Check out our incredible @JuniorDukeAward ambassador!

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Junior Dukes Workshops


We’re looking forward to welcoming parents & carers to our @JuniorDukeAward workshops. All workshops start at 9am and parents/carers will be working alongside their child to decide what challenges they will complete over the next academic year.