At Roby Park Primary, quality phonics teaching and learning is a key priority and one we recognise as paramount to children progressing to be confident and fluent readers and learners.


Word recognition and understanding is essential to enable children to become skilled and fluent readers. In Reception and Key Stage 1, we place great emphasis on teaching phonics and developing children’s phonological awareness. These early years are crucial to establish the foundations for reading fluently and accurately, developing comprehension skills and fostering a love of reading and literature.


To deliver high-quality phonics teaching and learning, we use the newly developed and validated story-based SSP (systematic synthetic phonics) programme Rocket Phonics which not only focuses on the key fundamentals and alphabetic code, but also fosters a love of reading and story. The ‘Target Practice Reading Books’ are written and illustrated by a range of authors and illustrators which are fully decodable matched to the teaching and learning sequence and progression plan. In addition, the digital ‘Big Books’ are central to the programme. They consist of language-rich stories to teach all of the target letter sounds in context. These also introduce new vocabulary for discussion.


Our Rocket Phonics Programme fully compliments our whole school reading scheme Rising Stars Reading Planets SchemeRocket Phonics is an accredited DfE (Department for Education) phonics programme launched in 2021.


Please click the here to find out more about our phonics scheme, Rocket Phonics.


To start the reading journey and embed essential early reading skills for children in our Early Years and Key Stage 1, we have invested significantly in new reading books from the Rising Stars Reading Planet Scheme.


Please here to find out more about our reading scheme, Reading Planet.




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Phonics Chatter

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Y1 Phonics


During continuous provision, our focus during phonics lessons has been to enjoy our Rocket Phonics books independently. We have been choosing books and getting comfy to enjoy some reading time whilst working on our segmenting and blending skills! 


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Y1 Reading


There has been a lot of reading in year 1 this week! We have been spending time reading with and to our friends, enjoying stories on our Toniebox and exploring some of our Rocket Phonics books too! Well done year 1


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YR Phonics


WOW! Reception have shown great resilience when starting our Rocket Phonics books. Well done!


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Oh What a Year 2023-24 Has Been!


Have the most wonderful Summer and we look forward to seeing you all in September!

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Spelling & Reading Workshop


Come and join us TODAY for our SEND Coffee Morning. Mrs Ryan, our Specialist Outreach Teacher, will share some tips and ideas on supporting your children with reading and spelling. Come and have a pastry and a chat, we look forward to seeing you then.

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Y1 Rocket Phonics


Year 1 love making the most of our Rocket Phonics books at any opportunity! We have enjoyed reading ours this week as we have been coming in of a morning! Well done Year 1 for all being remarkable readers! #RPReading

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YR Phonics


In Phonics this week we have been learning new sounds and tricky words. Children showed great motivation with their work. It is lovely to watch confidence grow with a love of reading and writing. #RPPhonics

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Y1 New Reading Area


We came back to school to an amazing new reading area within our classroom. We feel very lucky and are really excited to have an amazing range of brand new, high-quality texts that we can explore independently or with friends! #RPReading

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Y1 Rocket Phonics


We have been really enjoying having our Rocket Phonics reading books on our tables so that we have opportunities to read throughout the day and to use our phonics knowledge to help us to segment and blend and to read new stories!


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Reception are showing great motivation


Alongside our Rocket Phonics we have been practising initial sound work and sorting letters. Reception are showing great motivation. #RPPhonics

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Reception have made a great start with their Rocket Phonics books this week


Reception have made a great start with their Rocket Phonics books this week. They have been very motivated and enjoyed using their new learning to match objects with the same initial sound. #RPEYFS #RPPhonics