We had a fantastic first day in Year 6
We had a fantastic first day in Year 6. The children have embraced their new learning and have started the year with great positivity. ❤️
50We had a fantastic first day in Year 6. The children have embraced their new learning and have started the year with great positivity. ❤️
50We made the most of the warm weather and took history outside! We explored our new topic about the battle for the kingdom of England between the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons, then created a timeline to capture key events. #RPHistory
52@Year6RobyPark Today In PE our aim was to develop dribbling to beat a defender. ? ?
52We had a lovely start to the week with a fantastic visit from @AlldaysFarm ? Children were able to learn interesting facts about a range of animals, as well as brush a pony, hold a snake and pet sheep! ??? #RPEnrichment
40@Year6RobyPark Today in PE our aim was to send and receive the ball with control under pressure. ?
Some more fanbulous pictures from our @AlldaysFarm visit! ????? #RPEnrichment
43To begin our new Art unit (Architecture) the children researched our focus artist, Sir Giles Gilbert Scott. He designed buildings such as @LivCathedral and @BatterseaPwrStn , along with the red telephone box. #RPArt
47Today we celebrated European Day of Languages! We started the day with some Spanish lessons about being at school ‘En el colegio’, tasted home made churros and created beautiful sketches of La Sagrada Familia.? #RPSpanish #EuropeanDayofLanguages
46We enjoyed immersing ourselves into a book of our choice, during Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) ?? #RPDEAR #readingforpleasure
49We had an inspiring visit from @PurvisDanny who motivated us to complete our sponsored circuit. He told us about his aspirations as a child and how he achieved his dream. @TeamGB #RPEnrichment
46Today was the start of our group bikeability sessions! Children started off the day with balancing, indication and confidence building. From this they were able to head out onto the road and put their skills to the test! Well done to all involved ? @BikeabilityUK #RPEnrichment
48During our weekly yoga sessions, some year 6’s have been working on deep breathing techniques, routines for calming and mindfulness approaches.?♀️✨ #RPEnrichment #RPWellbeing
44Today we wore yellow to raise money for @YoungMindsUK . We made bunting with positive messages, did mindfulness with @ZumosUK and did some deep breathing in yoga. We also had a fantastic webinar with @onegoalltd ?#RPWellbeing #WorldMentalHealthDay #HelloYellow
46@Year6RobyPark Today in PE our aim was to apply rules, skills and principles to play in a tournament. ? ?
53This morning we had a very exciting visit from @AnimalsTakeOver ! Children were able to get up close and personal to a range of animals. We discussed classification and how the animals have evolved over time. ????#RPEnrichment
44We had an amazing first swimming lesson with @ELITE_Swim_UK! Children were practicing breathing underwater, floating and swimming with their arms for front crawl. We can’t wait to see what the next session brings! #RPPE @CAHKnowsley
58Tomorrow is our annual @RockKidzUK Day which will be teaching the children a positive message about mental health, self esteem and wellbeing, Children can come dressed as rock stars or if they do not want to dress up they can wear their own clothes or uniform.
65Thank you to all of the parents/carers who have attended our Progress Meetings this week. Staff have enjoyed meeting you & taking the time to discuss how your children are thriving. Your feedback is incredible & we really appreciate it. Thank you.
68Today in PE our aim was to develop counter balance and counter tension.
60During swimming with @ELITE_Swim_UK, children practiced their over arm swim with a float and kept their head under the water. They also practiced swimming on their back without their arms #RPPE
57WOW! We had another amazing visit from @RockKidzUK who taught us the importance of believing in ourselves, the value of looking out for others and encouraged us to be the best version of ourselves. We had a great time singing along to the motivating songs #RPEnrichment
61Thank you members of @Year6RobyPark who led our poignant and reflective Armistice Day service. Thank you to @Knowsley_Leader and Cllr Frank Walsh for your attendance and laying a wreath in our Remembrance Garden
70We are taking part in CUT YOUR CARBON this November. Children will be coming home with checklists they can use to work as a family to cut carbon. Those who return their checklist will receive a certificate! @EcoSchools
Extra-curricular clubs are now live on Parent Booking. Clubs will not run on the following dates so please make a note before you book: 14th Nov, 24th Nov, 15th Dec, 18th Dec, 21st Dec. Thank you to all of our staff for dedicating their time for free clubs
Rock Kidz visit @RobyParkSchool every year and it NEVER disappoints Thanks for ROCKING with us AGAIN
58This week in swimming, children have been practicing their legs from breast stroke. From this, they were able to move onto swimming without a float, incorporating their arms and keeping their head under water.
53This week during DT, children have been creating their own waistcoats. They started the unit by researching fashion brands such as @FollowWestwood @Burberry @StellaMcCartney From this, children planned their designs and created their masterpieces! #RPDT
49Our Christmas Family Dining event is back this year but with a few changes. This year, parents and carers can choose the day they want to attend and book their whole family on together so siblings can sit together. Head to Parent Booking to reserve your seats.
67If you haven’t yet booked on for Christmas Family Dining, you have until Friday to reserve your place. Any new bookings we are asking for Weds 6th or Thurs 7th Dec Check the letter out for more details: https://robyparkprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/17.11.23-Christmas-Family-Dining-2023.docx
61Why not have a sort out and donate anything you no longer need? You can donate clothes to our @robertsrecycle
clothing box in school #cutyourcarbon
79Check out our Anti-Bullying chant from last week when we took part in Anti-Bullying Week
#AntiBullyingWeek #RPWellbeing
77This week in swimming, the children have been focusing on their butterfly technique and incorporating their arms and legs into the movement.
59Christmas parties are now available on Parent Pay. Cost £2.50. Parties take place on Friday 8th December and children can wear their Christmas party clothes to school on Friday
68Y2 enjoyed another fantastic swimming lesson with @ELITE_Swim_UK They played games to develop their kicking technique, practised floating & developed their confidence breathing by putting their faces in the water.
#RPPE #swimming #poolstoschools
51Thanks to the hard work & generosity of Cllr Walsh, who has secured us additional funding, we are able to have the swimming pool on site for an extra week! This means all children will be able to enjoy additional swimming lessons next week #RPPE #RPMakingMemories
79A huge well done to this week’s Remarkable Readers. We hope you enjoy your books. #RPReading
77Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS
69Don’t forget to book your child’s class party on Parent Pay ahead of this Friday. We are looking forward to Angels & Scallies hosting our Christmas parties with great games, competitions, prizes and their famous red carpet! Festive clothes can be worn to school
71We can not wait for our annual Winter Wonderland which is set to be an incredible community event #RPMakingMemories
70Tomorrow is Christmas Jumper Day. Children can wear their festive jumpers/clothes to school. All donations go to supporting the work of Save the Children
See the article below about our fantastic curriculum offer for our children at Roby Park!
#LiteracyCountsLoves Shout out to @Year1RobyPark @RobyParkSchool and @MrsListerStJ @StJamesCEsth
for sharing photos of their children using the planning circles. Do you use #ReadySteadyWrite? We’d love to be tagged in your Tweets so we can see all the exciting learning you get up to. Find out more: https://t.co/QE3eWDKFtm
72Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS
Family dining wouldn’t have been possible without the kitchen team for cooking the delicious food; Mrs Allen and Mrs Lyon for organising everything; and all the grown ups who took time out of their day to enjoy the festivities with the children #thanks #RPenrichment
78We started the Christmas celebrations with our class party. We had a fabulous time dancing and partying with the Grinch #RPChristmas #RPEnrichment
66Well done to our most recent Remarkable Readers. You have all shown positive attitudes towards your reading. Keep it up!
80We hope you all had a fantastic time at our Winter Wonderland event. It was a huge success. Thank you to all of the staff who worked hard to put on such a festive event for all of our community. Thank you for your dedication, hard work and effort #RPMakingMemories
69Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS
77Here is a little taster of what a spectacular time our Winter Wonderland was for all of our families Our school hosted this wonderful festive event for free, for all to enjoy.
67Mr Couling kindly organised visits to Whitestone Lodge & St Bart’s Nursing Home where our children sang festive songs, chatted & played with residents. We look forward to our next visit next term. We wish all the residents a very merry Christmas
58What a fantastic show at @TheatreRoyalStH! The children thoroughly enjoyed Aladdin. Our children always make us proud with their exceptional behaviour! Well done!
66Congratulations to our final Remarkable Readers of 2023 Enjoy your new books
We have an incredible range of extra-curricular clubs on offer in Spring term 1. Booking opens on Parent Booking tomorrow at 8.30am. Booking closes at 8.30am on 8th January. Places are subject to availability #RPEnrichment
63Welcome back to school! This Spring term, we have more incredible plans in place which we can not wait for! #missschool #missout
61Last few places for clubs are remaining on Parent Booking. All clubs begin week beginning Monday 8th January. Please note: NO CLUBS ARE ON 30th JANUARY AND 8th FEBRUARY
64This week, we have launched our amazing new library area within our classroom. We are very lucky to have an amazing range of brand new, high-quality texts. We explored the new area and chose our favourite book for “Drop Everything And Read” #RPReading
54Check out what is coming up this Spring term and save the key dates in your diary #RPEnrichment #RPMemoryMakers
63Every month, we upload online safety newsletters to our website. Check them out for hints and tips on how to keep your children safe: robyparkprimary.co.uk/parent-informa
58We came back to school to an amazing new reading area within our classroom. We feel very lucky and are really excited to have an amazing range of brand new, high-quality texts that we can explore independently or with friends! #RPReading
57A mural capturing everything the community loves about #Huyton has been unveiled at Huyton Train Station.
Congratulations to our first Remarkable Readers of 2024. Children can win a book from our vending machine which is full to the brim of the best titles or the weekly Remarkable Reader bag by showing a great effort with reading at home & school. Who will be next week’s winners?
58We are all really enjoying playtimes with our new role play area as well as scooting and lots more area’s to get creative to make playtime more fun for all!
49Please send children in wrapped up warm in thick coats, hat, gloves and scarves with wellies so we can enjoy the snow together! Please send children in with spare socks/tights
57Today we had great fun in the snow! We headed to the field and enjoyed time making memories with our friends.
47So much fun was had today in the snow All children enjoyed today, building snowmen and having snowball fights with their friends. A special shout out to Mr Lyon, Mr Couling & Mr Swatman who were the dream team moving the snow & making sure school was safe
55Congratulations to this week’s Remarkable Readers! We hope you love your new books from our vending machine. Who will be our winners next week? #RPRemarkableReaders
66Thank you to the parents and carers who attended the Year 6 class assembly. The children explained their learning for this half term and future events. #RPAssembly
39During Art, we have been exploring the work of @IanFennelly. We began our unit by researching our artist and his style. We sketched iconic Liverpool buildings, and practiced our use of watercolours. This allowed us to create our own piece based on the school building. #RPArt
48Thank you to all of our Year 6 & @Year5RobyPark parents and carers who were able to attend ‘Book and a Brew’ It was great to be able to discuss how children view reading, how it is incorporated into the curriculum and reading for pleasure. #RPReading #readingforpleasure
51Today in forest school, we practiced knots which could secure a shelter in the wind, practiced compass points using the school grounds and worked on team building shelter activities. #RPForestschool
46Check out the letter below regarding our Valentine’s discos on Thursday 8th February #RPMemoryMakers robyparkprimary.co.uk/wp-content/upl
57If you are struggling financially, with no other means of support, you may be able to apply for some help. Please see the post below for full details:
69In PE our aim was to develop accuracy in the shooting action under pressure. Well done year 6!
49We are raising money for NSPCC. We will be collecting £1 donations and children can wear clothes with numbers on or patterns. We will also be hosting a small cake sale after school, on the main playground
74Today we have celebrated #NumberDay2024! We came to school dressed as numbers and enjoyed tackling the fractions challenge. We explored the meaning behind number day and how important it is to support charities such as
53Throughout Science this week, we have been exploring plant and animal adaptations, offspring and fossils. Moving forward, we are exploring how these link to the theory of evolution and natural selection.
52All Spring term 2 clubs are now live on Parent Booking. Please only book one space per club. We have freed up lots of extra spaces due to multiple bookings. Please be on time to collect your children at 4pm. Thank you.
55Spring Progress Meetings are now live on Parent Booking for you to select your appointment time. Progress meetings will take place on 28th and 29th February between 3.15 – 7.30pm.
46Today in PE our aim was to use and apply skills, principles and tactics to a game situation. Well done year 6!
38During computing today, we explored how barcodes and QR codes store and record data for a variety of reasons. We also discussed the purposes of infrared and designed our own system using it. From this, we inputted data onto excel and made graphs. #RPComputing
36We are looking for a team of parents/carers to galvanise our Home School Association (HSA). We are looking for parents/carers who have ideas and want to lead our HSA. To find out more and/or come share your ideas, join us for a drink, pastry and a chat.
51To end our fantastic trip to @MuseumLiverpool, we took the opportunity to sketch the water front in the style of
We had a fabulous trip to @MuseumLiverpool! We had the opportunity to explore the museum, find out about trade links to Liverpool and take part in a workshop, which taught us about imported and exported goods. This linked to our learning in Geography. #RPEnrichment #RPGeography
46Last night, year 6 had a great time at our valentines disco. They danced and sang along to their favourite songs and enjoyed making memories.
36Our Mother’s Day celebration services are back on Weds 6th March. We are looking forward to inviting in all of the wonderful women who make a difference in the lives of all of our children. See the letter below for all of the details:
52We are looking forward to seeing all of our children tomorrow, after their half term break. Doors open at 8.40am. See you then!
47We’re excited to have @Scholastic book fair back @RobyParkSchool this week. Come and have a look at the books on offer after school. Payment can be made using both card & cash. For all books purchased, we receive rewards which can be used to purchase books for our school.
53This week in Maths, we have been exploring the topic of algebra. We started the week by finding a rule, then we looked at substitution and have started to explore simplifying expressions using concrete resources.
47Congratulations to this week’s Remarkable Readers We hope you love your new books from our vending machine
Who will be our winners next week? #rpremarkablereaders
We are looking for a team of parents/carers to really galvanise the HSA and lead on exciting events for the children & wider community. Come and join us for a drink, pastry and chat to find out how you can make a difference to our school community!
49We are looking at our playtimes and thinking about how we can improve them by introducing the @OPAL_CIC
Programme. Can you help? We really want to know what you think of playtimes now – please complete this 2 minute survey. Thank you. forms.gle/dsLcU5m7AB3ea6
58We look forward to parents/carers joining us tonight & tomorrow for our Spring Progress Meetings. You’ll find your appointment times on your account & you’ll have received an appointment email. If you are yet to book on, please head to Parent Booking to find any remaining slots
50Today in PE our aim was to develop placement of the ball using a forehand.
47The deadline for photos for Mother’s Day celebration assemblies is 3pm today. Thank you #RPEnrichment
Congratulations to this week’s Remarkable Readers We hope you love your new books from our machine Who’ll be our winners next week? #RPRemarkableReaders
54Thank you for your positive and supportive feedback. It is greatly appreciated
58Our Easter Holiday Club is back for YR-Y6, running from 2nd-12th April. Sessions run from 9.00-3.00pm and cost £12.50 per day. Children need to bring a packed lunch, water bottle and raincoat. Select your days and make payment on Parent Pay #RPEnrichment
55We are looking forward to all the special women in the lives of our children joining us on Wednesday. Please see the letter attached with all the information needed: https://robyparkprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/19.2.24-Mothers-Day-Celebrations.docx
52This week, we have enjoyed immersing ourselves in a variety of texts during “Drop Everything And Read”. #Readingforpleasure #RPReading
45Today in Year 6, we promoted the British Value of democracy through our smart school council session. Children were able to discuss what they would prefer to do with the extra day due to the leap year. The majority vote was to spend time with family and friends.
45Our Mother’s Day Celebration Assemblies take place today and the children are very excited.
Assembly times are as follows:
• EYFS @ 9 – 9.45am
• Y3 & Y4 @ 10.00 – 10.45am
• Y1 & Y2 @ 1.10 – 2.00pm
• Y5 & Y6 @ 2.10 – 2.50pm
58We celebrated #WorldBookDay2024 by coming to school dressed in our comfiest pyjamas! We spent the day reading our favourite stories and even had a special visit from @Year6RobyPark. Thank you for reading stories with us, we had the best time! #RPEnrichment
50As part of #WorldBookDay2024, year 6 enjoyed a fantastic session with @WestEndinSchool. We explored the William Shakespeare play Twelfth Night. From this, we created freeze frames and acted out key scenes. #RPEnrichment
45Year 6 had a fabulous morning at forest school @Littlefoothq We used mallets to help us build camouflaged shelters, hung hammocks and collected birch bark to light our own fires #RPEnrichment
48Thank you to all of the fabulous ladies who attended todays Mother’s Day assembly. The children did us all proud with their lovely words and fabulous singing. We hope all of the significant women in our lives enjoy the celebrations
42We need parents and carers to take 2 mins to complete our playtime survey!
Click here: https://forms.gle/ysHDq715T95rwe827
The class with the most responses will win an incredible prize!
61Save the date! Parents & carers get limbering up and ready to get filthy! Our colour run is back for the 4th year running and again this year, we are choosing to support @cashforkidsliv and @hitsradiouk with @SamThompsonUK
More details to come around Easter.
49We are excited to participate in @OutdoorClassUKI on 23rd May and coincide this with our first parent @OPAL_CIC
parent play day.
65To celebrate #WorldBookDay2024 we came to school dressed in our pyjamas! We enjoyed spending time reading with
During world wildlife day, we explored how our oceans have become polluted over time. We discussed the impact this has on our wildlife and explore ways we can help save our oceans.
42Just a polite reminder that tomorrow is Comic Relief. We will be collecting donations via Parent Pay only.
52We hope the children enjoyed their sponsored reading event & we look forward to finding out how much sponsor money we receive in which will go back into the children receiving books to take home & keep through our ‘Remarkable Reader’ initiatives. Thank you for your support.
65WOW! We have raised £379.20 for brand new books from our sponsored reading event and £104 for @comicrelief. Books will be going into our new reading shed for children to enjoy at playtimes. Thank you so much! @OPAL_CIC
58As part of The Great Big School Clean we have been collecting litter from the school grounds and local area. The children have loved looking after their environment. #TheGreatBigSchoolClean
57Today we had lots of fun attending our first kin-ball competition. The children showed great team work and sportsmanship as they competed against other local schools, the children were amazing and even left with some medals!
48Did you hear about our involvement in the @cashforkidsliv one million steps challenge this May? Listen to Mrs Allen having a chat with @SamThompsonUK on @hitsradiouk
53Please make sure your child has wellies to keep in school, no later than Mon 15th Apr. Children can only go on the field in wellies if the grounds are wet and we do not want anyone to miss out on all of the exciting play opportunities coming this Easter.
61Our Easter discos are taking place this Wednesday. Please see the letter attached for more details. Tickets are available to purchase on Parent Pay only.
58A MASSIVE thankyou to @Year6RobyPark who spent some time with us today for #WorldBookDay2024. We really enjoyed you reading stories with us and you made reading our new books lots of fun. We have already been asking when we can do it again! #RPEnrichment
59This week in PE our aim was to develop accuracy and consistency using the underarm serve.
37Summer term extra curricular clubs are live on Parent Booking at midday today. Please note our @OPAL_CIC play sessions are family events and parents/carers are to accompany their child. Younger siblings are welcome but are the responsibility of parents/carers
57Don’t forget tomorrow children can come to school in their own clothes to enjoy an Easter egg hunt. Easter disco tickets are available on Parent Pay. Tickets must be purchased before discos. Please see our letter sent on Class Charts for timings and details
52Today we have explored healthy and unhealthy relationships and what it means to have good communication. We discussed the process between meeting someone and deciding to make a family. #RPGrowingup
45Another part of our week has been focused around economic education. We explored how to effectively manage a bank account, the usefulness of online banking and interest rates. We also had an informative junior tax fact workshop from
52We started the week exploring drugs and alcohol. We discussed the effects drugs can have the body and practiced strategies for saying no to peer pressure. Another skill we learnt, was how to call the emergency services when someone is in need. #RPGrowingupweek
42Thank you to our HSA & our staff for making Easter happen at Roby Park. They’ve collected Easter eggs & organised an Easter Egg Hunt that the children thoroughly enjoyed. Our Easter discos were a great success also & today there will be visitors to class with more egg surprises
59Our latest @OPAL_CIC newsletter is out now. Check it out here: https://robyparkprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/OPAL-Newsletter-April-2024.pdf
71We have been so busy getting ready for the upcoming term that we couldn’t wait to share with you feedback from our
To launch all of our exciting new @OPAL_CIC resources, we are going to host a launch day this Mon for the chn. All chn need to come in to school wearing their PE kits and trainers, with their wellies also to keep in school. Children are only allowed on the field with wellies.
Check out all the new resources your children will love to play with as of this Monday, in our latest newsletter: https://robyparkprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/OPAL-Newsletter-April-2024-2-1.pdf
The weather is predicting a few showers throughout Monday but rain doesn’t stop us so please make sure your child has a suitable coat with them.
66Don’t forget the deadline for our @OPAL_CIC bingo competition is this Mon. Please feel free to get friends, family & neighbours involved! The more, the merrier. Please send all resources through to class with your child so your child’s class teacher can mark them off.
61If you want a Nursery place at Roby Park for September please apply now to avoid disappointment. We have very limited places remaining.
For those who have secured a place in our Nursery for Sept, all your paperwork & transition plans will be sent over the coming two weeks
67We are excited to see all of the chn back for an exciting start of term tomorrow. Doors open at 8.40am. Just a polite reminder to send chn into school in their school PE tracksuit, trainers and warm coat for our @OPAL_CIC launch day tomorrow.
Chn will get to experience and enjoy all of our new resources. Chn must have their wellies with them to go on the field. Wellies will stay in school so please wear trainers and bring wellies in a bag. Keep an eye out on all of our socials to see what fun the children get up to.
46We will be holding an information meeting for parents & carers of Y6 children going to London in July. The meeting will be @ 2.30pm on Friday 26th April. We hope all adults can make it so everyone has all of the information they need. Thank you.
50Our annual colour run is back and all in aid of @cashforkidsliv who do an incredible job to support children in our school community cashforkidsgive.co.uk/campaign/sam-t
Please share the sponsor link far and wide to raise as much money as we can for this wonderful charity! Thank you for your support!
Please see the letter detailing the arrangements for the day: robyparkprimary.co.uk/wp-content/upl
57For St George’s Day, children can wear red and white to school tomorrow. Children will enjoy workshops with Past Productions. Keep an eye on our socials to find out what we get up to…
45In PE our aim was to use the fast catch volley to create space and place the ball.
42For the third year running, @NextEnergyUK are sponsoring our PE kits which means every child will receive a FREE PE tracksuit and logo tshirt for the next academic year. Thank you so much for all the support this incredible company shows us
51This week, we had a fantastic time in forest school with @Littlefoothq! From fire lighting, matching colour with natural materials and flower printing, Year 6 enjoyed exploring the first sights of spring. #RPForestschool #RPEnrichment
43To celebrate St George’s Day, we had a brilliant visit from @PastProductions. We learnt about why we celebrate and the explored the story of St George slaying the dragon! We also took part in some medieval dancing and a dragon hunt! #RPEnrichment
43Our new Reading Shed has arrived in our quiet zone. Children will be able to enjoy a range of fiction and non fiction books purchased with money raised through our reading sponsored event. We have also purchased Tonies for children who want to enjoy audible stories
66We are looking forward to @hitsradiolv joining us tomorrow for our colour run for @cashforkidsliv. Don’t forget your trainers
58Thank you so much for a brilliant day today. We pledged 242,000 steps as part of @hitsradiolv and @cashforkidsliv challenge and we have raised an incredible £1347 already! Thanks to our incredible team for pulling off a brilliant event.
And thank you to every parent and carer who showed up, participated and donated. Lots of videos and photos pending….but first a hot bath and bed! It’s not too late to donate and every penny makes a difference: https://www.cashforkidsgive.co.uk/campaign/sam-thompson-million-steps/fundraisers/roby-park-primary-school/
45Yesterday, we helped raise money for @cashforkidsliv and supported @SamThompsonUK in his 1 million steps school challenge! Well done year 6! #RPEnrichment
42Come and join us TODAY for our SEND Coffee Morning. Mrs Ryan, our Specialist Outreach Teacher, will share some tips and ideas on supporting your children with reading and spelling. Come and have a pastry and a chat, we look forward to seeing you then.
65With just less than a week to go until the start of Y6 SATs, please see the letter below for more information for arrangements
45Don’t forget to check out the letter detailing all end of year trips. Payments are live on Parent Pay. If you would like to attend the trip as a volunteer, click on the link to express your interest. robyparkprimary.co.uk/wp-content/upl#RPEnrichment
56Check out our letter for sports day on Monday 20th May
49Please see the letter attached for all the details of our father’s day celebration assemblies on Friday 14th June
52Our Summer Fair is back on Friday 21st June @ 1-4pm! Tickets will be available on Parent Pay from tomorrow. Entry will cost £2.50 and wristbands given out. Join us for fun in the sun… School will finish at 12.45pm on the day so all children can attend with their families.
*Meet and greets with unicorn ponies
*Birds of prey display
*Fair rides
*Face painting
*Food & drink
57Please make sure children are wearing factor 50 sun cream when the weather is predicted to be hot. Please leave jumpers/cardigans off. Children need a water bottle to stay hydrated & a hat to protect them from the sun. Children will be encouraged to play in shaded areas
56On Monday through to Thursday, we wish all of our Y6 children the best of luck as they sit their SATs. We know all of our children will try their best and that is all we ask for. But remember, SATs don’t measure who you really are
53Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS
59Please see the letter below for all of the information regarding the Y6 Celebration Sleepover tomorrow and what the children will need. Thank you #RPEnrichment
40Summer Fair tickets are now available to purchase on Parent Pay. Tickets cost £2.50 per person.
*Meet and greets with unicorn ponies
*Birds of prey display
*Fair rides
*Face painting
*Food & drinks
56Well done Y6 for your resilience, perseverance & dedication to your learning. You have truly tried your best this week and we could ask for no more.
I would like to personally thank Miss Beggs for being such an incredible teacher, supporting her children in every way.
Mrs Watts, Mrs Mills and Mrs Woolley for the wonderful job they have done, and continue to do, for our children. Enjoy your day tomorrow – you deserve it
45Y6 have had a fantastic day in the sun and now are settling down with a movie in their teepees #RPEnrichment
46Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS Check out important information about parent @OPAL_CICplay day on @OutdoorClassDay
and sports day also #RPNews
60Today the children showed great resilience and motivation during sports day. Well done to all who took part and thank you to those who came along to cheer us on! #RPEnrichment #RPPE
40To celebrate the end of SATS, we had a fabulous day on the inflatables before our school sleepover! We are all incredibly proud of how hard you’ve worked! #RPEnrichment #RPLeavers
38Our annual careers week is back and it is one of the events our children look forward to most. We are looking for members of our school and wider community to come and chat to our children about the brilliant and inspiring jobs they do.
Also, if there are specific careers you would like shared with our children pop it below and we will see what we can do.
Would you or somebody you know be interested in being part of our careers week? If so, please email us at robypark@knowsley.gov.uk with your availability and for more information. Please share with any contacts you may have.
52Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS
44Sadly our @OPAL_CIC parent play session was rained off with an amber weather warning but it has been rescheduled for Thursday 6th June. Fingers crossed the weather is better! Sign up here if you would like to join us for some outdoor fun: https://forms.gle/ZZwWy2KaX7bapKPo7
63As part of the Million Steps Challenge, @cashforkidsliv teamed up with publisher Simon & Schuster to offer all participating primary schools the chance to win a Library Pack of 20 books. Following the end of the challenge all schools that signed up were put into a draw, and…we’re thrilled to let you know that our school is a winner! Books are on their way to us and will go into our reading shed for our children to enjoy
68If you haven’t emailed your photos in, please email them to robypark@knowsley.gov.uk by 3pm on Thursday 6th June to be included in the assembly.
53⭐️ Father’s Day Celebration Assemblies – Friday 14th June ⭐️
?If you haven’t emailed your photos in, please email them to robypark@knowsley.gov.uk by 3pm this Thursday to be included in the assembly.
55The weather is looking better for our @OPAL_CIC parent play day this Thursday afternoon. If you’re free, why not come and play with your child/ren? Sign up here if you would like to join us for some outdoor fun: https://t.co/6yb7zT52bM
54Our final clubs of the school year go live at 9ma tomorrow. Head to Parent Booking to book your child on. Thanks to our incredible team who devote their time to putting on clubs. Without them, we wouldn’t have been able to offer 58 clubs with 900+ places taken up!
50Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS
49 Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS
Check out our Careers Week plans with more visitors to be added… Aspirations Day will take place on Friday 28th June and children can come dressed as something they want to be or do when they are older. #RPPSHE #RPPERSONALDEVELOPMENT
47In Science we explored how light travels, how shadows are formed by the object that casts them and experimented with reflection and refraction. We made our own periscopes to see show that light travels in straight lines. #RPScience
32In Geography we explored carbon emissions and the effects of green house gases across the planet. We completed a class experiment whereby we could see the increase in temperatures due to trapped gases. We also researched carbon emissions of food. #RPGeography
34This week in Forest school we were building shelters and creating our own flag pole using natural resources. We worked on our map reading skills to determine distances between locations on a map. The children were so excited to receive their badges! #RPEnrichment
37Our Summer Fair is back this Friday 1-4pm! Children can wear their own clothes to school. Purchase your tickets on Parent Pay and collect your wristbands from the office for priority access. Join us for fun in the sun…
School will finish at 12.45pm on the day so all children can attend with their families.
EYFS children should be collected from the Easton Road gate and KS1 & KS2 from their Western Avenue exits. All children and families should make their way around to Easton Rd for entry to the fair. All children are to be supervised by their adults.
Summer camp places can now be booked on Parent Pay. Sessions run from 9am – 3pm and cost just £12.50 per child, per day. Summer camp runs from Monday 22nd July – Friday 9th August. Children need to bring with them a coat, packed lunch, snack and water bottle.
39Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS
44Check out our latest plans for Careers Week taking place this week. YR – Y2 have author Lauren Mather visiting on Wednesday and she will be signing copies of her new book Paws & Claws for children which is available on Parent Pay for £3 for anyone wanting to purchase
33Our second visit was from @KrisZadziuk. He showed us the process of becoming and animations director and how a simple design is transformed into a game. #RPCareersweek #RPEnrichment
27Today we had an amazing visit from @MerseyPolice @MerPolKnowsley.They taught us the skills behind CSI, how to become a motorbike officer, crowd control tactics, as well as letting us see the equipment fire arms officers use. #RPEnrichment #RPCareersweek
71We had a fabulous visit from @thekdclub who allowed us to try out our designing skills using a range of materials! It was interesting to hear how Kirsty got into her career. #RPCareersweek #RPEnrichment
81Today we had a great visit from physiotherapist Ruth. We talked about the types of cases she has and how she helps people. We had a go at some of the exercises she recommends to her patients and looked at the internal workings of different joints in the body. #RPCareersweek
109We started the day with a visit from @LFCFoundation. We discussed the number of careers linked to football as well as how STEM can lead us into different jobs. We created mini rockets to practice our engineering skills.
121Today we had a fantastic visit from Dr Culshaw @The_ONR who is a Nuclear Safety Inspector. He brought along a decommissioned graphite core sample, which we all had the opportunity to look at and he told us all about the types nuclear fusion we use in the UK #RPCareersweek
119This week in PE our aim was to develop fielding techniques and select the appropriate action for the situation.
88Playtimes have never been so good! We have made the most of the sunshine at playtimes and our opal after school clubs! #OPALSchools
131Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS
97We had an amazing Olympic dance session with @educationgroup. We focused on the country of India and came to school wearing their national colours. We loved practicing our performance! #RPEnrichment #olympics
104We had a lovely session of forest school with @littlefoothq. We worked on our team building skills, practiced fire lighting and made natural art! #RPForestschool #RPEnrichment
119Today we had our final celebration assembly of the year, where our Stars of the Year awards were given out. Well done to everybody nominated!
126We have lots of surplus uniform in our uniform swap shop. Please help yourself save money and reduce preloved uniform going into landfill
112Well done House of the Year – Slytherin! We hope you enjoyed your ice creams
143Have the most wonderful Summer and we look forward to seeing you all in September!
113What a fantastic first day back! It is wonderful having all our children in school, old and new
33This Tuesday, we look forward to welcoming @RockKidzUK back to Roby Park! Children can come to school dressed as Rock Stars! See the letter attached for more details from Rock Kidz
27Our extra-curricular clubs go live tomorrow at 8am on Parent Booking. Clubs run from 3-4pm and children should be collected via the Easton Road gate. Please make sure they have trainers with them in a bag, if needed. There will be no clubs on: 12.9.24, 2.10.24, 9.10.24
31Today is going to be a hot one! Please leave jumpers and cardigans at home. Thank you
26We’re so excited to be a part of @YVconcerts performing at Manchester’s Co-op Arena in February 2025. If your child is in Y3-6 and would like to participate, check out the letter below.
30Check out our latest newsletter #RPNews
28We can’t wait to see all of our rock stars today! Children will enjoy a powerful message from @RockKidzUK about perseverance, aspirations and reaching for their goals.
31Please make sure you have downloaded and interact on the Class Charts Parent App to keep up to date with letters, newsletters and updates. Physical letters are not sent home. Don’t miss out on all of the incredible things that happen at Roby Park…
27It is time to apply for your child’s Reception place. Deadline – 15th January 2025. Being in our Nursery does not guarantee you a place in our Reception so be sure to get your applications in on time.
Link to school admission webpages: https://www.knowsley.gov.uk/education-and-schools/school-admissions/apply-primary-school-september-2025/apply-primary-school
Link to application portal: https://parentportal.knowsley.gov.uk/web/portal/pages/parents/admissions
28We’re looking forward to welcoming parents & carers to our @JuniorDukeAward workshops. All workshops start at 9am and parents/carers will be working alongside their child to decide what challenges they will complete over the next academic year.
36Check out our latest newsletter #RPNews
36In Science this week, we have been exploring the circulatory system. We completed an experiment whereby we tested the rate of blood flow through arteries, capillaries and veins. #RPScience
34This week, we had a fantastic session with @RockKidzUK. They taught us about having resilience and determination, whilst dancing and singing along to their catchy songs! #RPEnrichment
39We’re looking forward to you all attending our @OPAL_CIC play afternoon 1.30-3pm today. Come and discover what play looks like at Roby Park and if you’ve been to any of OPAL play afternoons before come and explore our new additions and have fun in the sun with your child/ren.
Thank you to all our parents who came to our @JuniorDukeAward Workshop yesterday! It was lovely to see you and see the children so enthusiastic about the different challenges. I can’t wait to see how you all get on! #RPEnrichment
34Our @OPAL_CIC play day was a great success! Thank you to all parents and carers who attended. The children had a fantastic time exploring the areas around our playground! #RPEnrichment
26In Science we have explored how the body transports water and nutrients. Through osmosis and diffusion, we completed an experiment whereby we tested the concentration of liquids to see what would happen to a gummy bear!
20Thank you to all our parents and carers who were able to attend our @JuniorDukeAward meeting! It was lovely to be able to discuss which activities the children would like to complete over the year. #RPEnrichment
32In our Digital Leaders club, we had great fun with our
indi robot cars! We created loops and tracks for our robots to follow. #RPComputing
28Come and join us this morning 9-10am for a coffee and a pastry. Mrs Lyon will be explaining about our new Thrive Approach to Wellbeing and how it can benefit your child/ren at home and at school
29To all of our amazing Teaching Assistants, you are worth your weight in gold. Caring, nurturing, supportive, knowledgeable, determined, passionate. Our children are lucky to have you! Thank you!
33This week in Geography, we have started explore our fieldwork topic using ordinance survey maps. We discussed symbols, 6 figure grid references and how to use them to find different locations around Liverpool. #RPGeography
30Today we had our very first forest school session with @Littlefoothq. We built some tripods and dens, practised starting fires, tied a clove hitch knot and survived in a survival tent. Everyone had a great time!! #RPEnrichment
27As part of #EuropeanDayOfLanguages we practiced our Spanish skills with some speaking and listening activities! The children have since moved on to writing their own emails about their favourite school subjects! #RPSpanish @LanguageAngels_
28#HelloYellow24 We came to school dressed in yellow to celebrate and raise awareness for #WorldMentalHealthAwarenessDay We enjoyed chatting about ways to improve our mental health and even created our own doodles inspired by the things we love.
28In PE our aim was to use the appropriate defensive technique for the situation.
33This month is ADHD awareness month. See the link below for some support materials that may help you and your child
During ADHD Awareness month, we would like to share another photo of our @ADHDFoundation
Umbrella Project. From the ADHD foundation website: The Neurodiversity Umbrella Project is an uplifting visual representation of all the different minds we have here in the UK. Every Umbrella Project installation helps to raise awareness and understanding of neurodiversity. Thousands of colourful umbrellas are strung together over public spaces, in schools, and in company buildings around the nation. Each display is designed to represent the one in five of us who have a neurodevelopmental condition, such as ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia or Tourette’s syndrome. These conditions fall under the umbrella term of neurodiversity. #neurodiversity #ADHDAwarenessMonth2024
32Get involved in Recycle Week this week! You can help us by donating unwanted clothes to school as well as old tech lying around your house. Check out the presentation for more info…
We are excited to be hosting an inspirational workshop with European Champion Boxer, Chloe Watson. Chloe needs your help to raise funds for vital training, medical and competition costs. This money raised will also help our school and we will be using monies raised to put towards OPAL.
Sponsor forms need to be returned by this Wednesday along with sponsor money or alternatively you can add your sponsor money to our crowd funder page. Copy and paste this link in to your web browser: crowdfunder.co.uk/p/robypark Once you have donated, you have the option to add a message – please add your child’s name here so we know who the sponsors are connected to.
Children will enjoy a number of sponsored activities that they will complete alongside Chloe and they will get to hear all about her inspirational career. More information to follow next week.
There are rewards for sponsor money raised:
All children to wear their school P.E. kits on Friday to complete the sponsored circuit challenge
44We are excited for our first @JuniorDukeAward meeting this Monday. We look forward to children sharing their challenges and reflections
Tomorrow, we will be holding our Halloween discos. We will end the day, with our fabulous Halloween discos with Nursery and Reception enjoying their party from 2.00-3.00pm during the school day. Y1 & Y2 will have their disco at 3-4pm with Y3 – Y6 having their disco 4.15 – 5.15pm. All children can come to school in their Halloween costumes however these must be age appropriate. Frightening and gory costumes, masks and weapons are not allowed. If children do not want to dress up, they can come to school in party clothes or whatever they are most comfortable in. Nursery children who do not attend school in the afternoons but wish to come to the disco, are welcome to return to school at 2pm. The cost of the disco for Nursery – Y2 children is £3.00 and includes a small packet of sweets, crisps and a drink. The cost of the disco for Y3 – Y6 is £3.00 and children get a chip cone and they can bring extra money to buy sweets, drinks and crisps. There is also limited glow items. The disco must be paid for on Parent Pay by 3.00pm tomorrow. Tickets are live on Parent Pay now. All children in Nursery – Y2 should be picked up from their classroom door at the end of their discos. KS2 children should be collected from the main playground by an adult at 5.15pm. KS2 children must be brought to school for the disco by an adult and the adult must wait for children to have gone through the double red doors before leaving then collecting them at 5.15pm. Staff are not responsible for children until they are in the disco.
Today we are coming together to support our local food bank. Children can bring in a donation and in return wear their own clothes. Thank you for your support
26We would love to see what challenges you have completed so add your photos and videos below or on our Facebook page to be included in our @JuniorDukeAward movie
17Our Autumn term 2 clubs are now live on Parent Booking. Book your spaces now. As always, clubs start the second week back starting Monday 11th November. There will be no Y3/4 Christmas Craft Club or Y6 Booster Club on Thursday 14th November due to Autumn Progress Meetings.
17Wow our fruit has gone down a storm this morning! Children particularly enjoyed the watermelon, pineapple and strawberries they could help themselves to Thank you to @Tesco stronger starts and thank you to @GreggsOfficial for the fridge to store our fruit and veg
20We still have some spaces available on our extra-curricular clubs for this half term. Head to Parent Booking to secure your child’s place. Bookings close on Monday 11th November
18Our Autumn Progress Meetings are taking place next Wednesday and Thursday. If you haven’t already, booked your appointment to meet with your child’s class teacher, head to Parent Booking: parents-booking.co.uk/robyparkprimar We look forward to seeing you all next week and sharing how well your children are getting on at Roby Park.
15On Monday @ 2.15pm we will be holding our annual Armistice Day service. We look forward to welcoming parents and carers to join us.
17Our annual Christmas Family Dining events are back!
Head to Parent Booking to reserve the total number of seats you need for your family party including all adults (maximum of 2) and all children: parents-booking.co.uk/ROBYPARKPRIMAR
Then please head to Parent Pay to make payment for your adult meals. Only when seats are booked and paid for is your booking secured. DEADLINE: FRIDAY 29TH NOVEMBER @ 9AM
18Today is @OutdoorClassDay so come and mark the occasion with our @OPAL_CIC parent play afternoon from 1.30-3pm. Wrap up warm and come and enjoy what Roby Park has to offer.
18There was no better way to mark @OutdoorClassUKI than to have one of our half termly parent @OPAL_CIC play afternoons! What a fantastic time everyone had!
19Wow our free fruit has been exceptionally popular this week. The children have devoured:
31 punnets of strawberries
10 watermelons
200 apples
223 bananas
48 oranges & 130 satsumas
14 pineapples
9 tins of apricots
8 boxes of plums and 8 boxes of blueberries
The feedback has been so positive and children are saying it is the favourite part of their day
Please don’t feel you need to provide your child with a morning snack, we have a lot of fruit to provide. Children are even taking fruit out after their lunch! Thank you
12n Science, we have been exploring electricity using circuits. Children have been able to explore components, discuss the effects of voltage and applied their knowledge to identify problems in a circuit. #RPScience
21Thank you to all parents and carers who attended our remembrance service today. It was a lovely opportunity to recognise those who have served and currently serving for our country. Well done to our year 6 speakers who did everyone proud. #RemembanceDay
22Children can wear blue clothes to school today to raise awareness for World Diabetes Day
17Thank you to everybody who attended our Autumn Progress evenings. Thank you also for your extremely positive feedback
14The best sort of day, is a pj day. £1 donations can be handed in on the doors or to class teachers. Thank you
15We came to school wearing blue to raise awareness for #WorldDiabetesDay2024
15Congratulations to our odd socks competition winners who were photographed in the strangest of places or the most peculiar of ways. We hope you enjoy your @SmythsToysUK vouchers! #chooserespect
15Snow has been forecast over night. Please leave plenty of time to get to school. Please ensure children are wrapped up warm so we can have fun in the snow should it settle.
20We had a fantastic workshop with @HistoricWksps where we uncovered the truths about the Viking lifestyle! We enjoyed battling with spears and shields, playing traditional Viking board games and looking at artefacts. #RPEnrichment #RPHistory
13We had a brilliant forest school session with @Littlefoothq. We earned more stamps by practicing our knot tying, collected birch bark and sticks to build our own fires and got to grips with understanding our surroundings without technology! #RPEnrichment #RPForestschool
19In English we have been reading ‘A Story Like The Wind’ by Gill Lewis. The children explored characters thoughts and feelings, as they freeze famed making the treacherous journey across the stormy seas with little supplies.
29In History, we have been exploring the Vikings. We have discussed how they ventured to Britain, their battle for power and researched key events throughout the period of time. #RPHistory
20Children have until Monday 16th December to take on some of their @JuniorDukeAward challenges and update their journals, ahead of their class Duke Meeting.
Please add photos/evidence of challenges and complete reflections.
All children must bring their journals in to school on Monday 16th December please.
Children will get their challenges signed off by their Duke Leaders and earn 10 points per challenge plus an additional 100 points when they have completed all 7 challenges. That is an incredible 170 points in total for them and their team!
16Check out our latest @OPAL_CIC newsletter with exciting information about additional morning play
15During computing day we got to grips with logo and python. We explore how to create nested loops and designed our own Islamic tiles from by coding shapes and patterns. #RPComputing
10What a fantastic start to our Christmas Family Dining Week Thank you to Georgios and our kitchen team as well as our special guests from AC Mascots
15Children can wear their Christmas jumper with their school uniform tomorrow for Christmas Jumper Day. Y1 & Y2 have Forest school so they can wear their Christmas jumper with appropriate clothing for Forest school. We will be collecting £1 donations for Save the Children. Thank you.
13We can not wait for our Winter Wonderland event tomorrow! Check Class Charts for all the information needed for tomorrow.
19We hope you all had a wonderful time of family, festive fun at our Winter Wonderland event.
Thank you to:
Due to illness, we postponed yesterday’s @JuniorDukeAward meeting until Thursday. If your child has not returned their journal, please do so by Thursday morning at the latest.
We have taken the decision to present all children with their certificates and badge upon completion of challenges in our celebration assemblies and all children awarded with their Junior Duke badge will be invited to our prestigious garden party in the Summer term!
If you have misplaced your child’s journal, please replace it by ordering from the shop on the Junior Duke webpage: https://t.co/SdIyKp8yDn
WOW! Well done to KS2 today for their fantastic Christmas Concert singing some Christmas Classics! You have all worked so hard and had a fantastic morning and afternoon performance! #RPEnrichment
17It’s Christmassss! Today we enjoyed our party. Wishing all of our families a lovely Christmas and New year!
15We want to take this opportunity to wish our whole school community a very merry Christmas.
Thank you for your love and support throughout 2024. It has been an incredible year for Roby Park.
Christmas is not about what is under the tree but who is around it and we can’t wait for the children to return to tell us all about it. Rarely they mention gifts, they mention you. They share their cherished memories of pj days snuggled on the sofa watching movies and eating only chocolate or funny stories of things that happened with their loved ones
Enjoy this special time together, relaxing and making memories and we look forward to seeing you all in the new year
12Happy New Year to our Roby Park community! We hope you have enjoyed the festivities and are looking forward to all that 2025 brings.
17We have a few remaining places on some of our extra-curricular clubs for this half term. All clubs start as of Monday 13th January. Sign up on Parent Booking.
10The incredible Happy’s Circus 600 seater big top is coming back to Roby Park for the second year, on Wednesday 21st May.
It was an amazing event that we are thrilled to be able to offer again to our school community with a new show!
We are offering 300 early bird ticktes for half price at just £4 each! You can buy a maximum of 10 tickets for friends and family. Once they are gone, they are gone.
Tickets available now on Parent Pay.
12Each half term we will be bringing you our Inclusive Attendance newsletter which is deisgned to share information and so we can work together to support school attendance. Here is our Spring Term 1 edition. A copy will hit your Class Charts inbox as well as information on your child’s attendance.
In PE our aim was to develop passing and moving to maintain possession. Well done!
6In PE our aim was to develop rolling and travelling sequence work on apparatus. Well done
Early bird tickets are now sold out! Watch this space for full price tickets going on sale in February.
11Remaining tickets for Happy’s Circus are now available on Parent Pay until they sell out. All 600 tickets sold out rapidly last time so be sure to secure your tickets! Gates open at 4.30pm with food and drinks vendors as well as face painting.
13In Science, we have been looking at natural selection and how plants and animals adapt to their environments. They completed research into epiphytes and designed their own plant, with descriptions of how it may adapt.