Financial Support for Families
If you are struggling financially, with no other means of support, you may be able to apply for some help. Please see the post below for full details:
46If you are struggling financially, with no other means of support, you may be able to apply for some help. Please see the post below for full details:
46We were joined by our wonderful families for our phonics workshop today. We shared the exciting Rocket Phonics resources our children use in school. We modelled a short lesson and children loved reading with their grown ups. #RPReading #RPPhonics
36The children really enjoyed showcasing all of their fantastic work they had created through the WATMO project with
41We are raising money for NSPCC. We will be collecting £1 donations and children can wear clothes with numbers on or patterns. We will also be hosting a small cake sale after school, on the main playground
58All Spring term 2 clubs are now live on Parent Booking. Please only book one space per club. We have freed up lots of extra spaces due to multiple bookings. Please be on time to collect your children at 4pm. Thank you.
40We are looking for a team of parents/carers to galvanise our Home School Association (HSA). We are looking for parents/carers who have ideas and want to lead our HSA. To find out more and/or come share your ideas, join us for a drink, pastry and a chat.
33If you are in need of new uniform items, check out our rails and help yourself to whatever you may need. We are also collecting donations of clean, outgrown uniform also. Thank you.
38Our Mother’s Day celebration services are back on Weds 6th March. We are looking forward to inviting in all of the wonderful women who make a difference in the lives of all of our children. See the letter below for all of the details:
44We are looking forward to seeing all of our children tomorrow, after their half term break. Doors open at 8.40am. See you then!
31We’re excited to have @Scholastic book fair back @RobyParkSchool this week. Come and have a look at the books on offer after school. Payment can be made using both card & cash. For all books purchased, we receive rewards which can be used to purchase books for our school.
35Looking forward to the half term ahead helping families to support high quality learning at home, helping their children thrive #inclusion
36We are looking for a team of parents/carers to really galvanise the HSA and lead on exciting events for the children & wider community. Come and join us for a drink, pastry and chat to find out how you can make a difference to our school community!
34We are looking at our playtimes and thinking about how we can improve them by introducing the @OPAL_CIC
Programme. Can you help? We really want to know what you think of playtimes now – please complete this 2 minute survey. Thank you.
41We look forward to parents/carers joining us tonight & tomorrow for our Spring Progress Meetings. You’ll find your appointment times on your account & you’ll have received an appointment email. If you are yet to book on, please head to Parent Booking to find any remaining slots
29The deadline for photos for Mother’s Day celebration assemblies is 3pm today. Thank you #RPEnrichment
Thank you for your positive and supportive feedback. It is greatly appreciated
42Our Easter Holiday Club is back for YR-Y6, running from 2nd-12th April. Sessions run from 9.00-3.00pm and cost £12.50 per day. Children need to bring a packed lunch, water bottle and raincoat. Select your days and make payment on Parent Pay #RPEnrichment
36We are looking forward to all the special women in the lives of our children joining us on Wednesday. Please see the letter attached with all the information needed:
37Our Mother’s Day Celebration Assemblies take place today and the children are very excited.
Assembly times are as follows:
• EYFS @ 9 – 9.45am
• Y3 & Y4 @ 10.00 – 10.45am
• Y1 & Y2 @ 1.10 – 2.00pm
• Y5 & Y6 @ 2.10 – 2.50pm
47Thank you to all of our special ladies that joined us today. We are so proud of the children for showing great confidence and fabulous singing! We hope you enjoyed spending time with your little ones, it was beautiful to hear their lovely words.
32Thank you to all of the fabulous ladies who attended todays Mother’s Day assembly. The children did us all proud with their lovely words and fabulous singing. We hope all of the significant women in our lives enjoy the celebrations
29We need parents and carers to take 2 mins to complete our playtime survey!
Click here:
The class with the most responses will win an incredible prize!
36We look forward to getting involved from 17th April with the bags we have pledged to collect
40Happy Mother’s Day to all of the wonderful women in our children’s lives. Thank you for all that you do x
36We are excited to participate in @OutdoorClassUKI on 23rd May and coincide this with our first parent @OPAL_CIC
parent play day.
44Here is our action plan for how we are working to develop play over this academic year. Check out our Opal page on the website for all up to date information:
39Just a polite reminder that tomorrow is Comic Relief. We will be collecting donations via Parent Pay only.
38We hope the children enjoyed their sponsored reading event & we look forward to finding out how much sponsor money we receive in which will go back into the children receiving books to take home & keep through our ‘Remarkable Reader’ initiatives. Thank you for your support.
44We hope you can join us this afternoon, at 3pm, for our H.S.A meeting to plan for your exciting ideas and upcoming events
34Did you hear about our involvement in the @cashforkidsliv one million steps challenge this May? Listen to Mrs Allen having a chat with @SamThompsonUK on @hitsradiouk
37Please make sure your child has wellies to keep in school, no later than Mon 15th Apr. Children can only go on the field in wellies if the grounds are wet and we do not want anyone to miss out on all of the exciting play opportunities coming this Easter.
35Our Easter discos are taking place this Wednesday. Please see the letter attached for more details. Tickets are available to purchase on Parent Pay only.
49Research consistently emphasizes the significant influence parents have on their child’s school education. It’s wonderful how involved parents are
Parents helping their children to thrive
38Another fantastic term working with so many families across Merseyside, giving them an insight into what their children are learning at school and helping them to support learning at home. Love how enthusiastic, knowledgable and confident parents/carers are.
39Summer term extra curricular clubs are live on Parent Booking at midday today. Please note our @OPAL_CIC play sessions are family events and parents/carers are to accompany their child. Younger siblings are welcome but are the responsibility of parents/carers
44Don’t forget tomorrow children can come to school in their own clothes to enjoy an Easter egg hunt. Easter disco tickets are available on Parent Pay. Tickets must be purchased before discos. Please see our letter sent on Class Charts for timings and details
41We had a fantastic last session! We worked with partners to plant some pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. The children have been fantastic this half term and have loved gardening club with Mr Lyon! We can’t wait to see it all begin to grow!
Thank you to our HSA & our staff for making Easter happen at Roby Park. They’ve collected Easter eggs & organised an Easter Egg Hunt that the children thoroughly enjoyed. Our Easter discos were a great success also & today there will be visitors to class with more egg surprises
42Our latest @OPAL_CIC newsletter is out now. Check it out here:
46Over the past 3 years, we have raised almost £1600 from @SchoolLottery. Why not get involved and be in with the chance of winning cash prizes whilst supporting our school at the same time? To start supporting, visit: and search for Roby Park
33We have been so busy getting ready for the upcoming term that we couldn’t wait to share with you feedback from our
To launch all of our exciting new @OPAL_CIC resources, we are going to host a launch day this Mon for the chn. All chn need to come in to school wearing their PE kits and trainers, with their wellies also to keep in school. Children are only allowed on the field with wellies.
Check out all the new resources your children will love to play with as of this Monday, in our latest newsletter:
The weather is predicting a few showers throughout Monday but rain doesn’t stop us so please make sure your child has a suitable coat with them.
44Don’t forget the deadline for our @OPAL_CIC bingo competition is this Mon. Please feel free to get friends, family & neighbours involved! The more, the merrier. Please send all resources through to class with your child so your child’s class teacher can mark them off.
41If you want a Nursery place at Roby Park for September please apply now to avoid disappointment. We have very limited places remaining.
For those who have secured a place in our Nursery for Sept, all your paperwork & transition plans will be sent over the coming two weeks
44We will be holding an information meeting for parents & carers of Y6 children going to London in July. The meeting will be @ 2.30pm on Friday 26th April. We hope all adults can make it so everyone has all of the information they need. Thank you.
37It may be wet and windy but the children are having a fantastic time putting everything from their play assemblies into action with all the new resources @OPAL_CIC
32Amazing to start the summer term with a day of play! The children discussed how they wanted to use the play equipment, focusing on potential risks & benefits before getting out & testing it for themselves. Lots of fun was had by all @OPAL_CIC #PlanForPlay #OPALSchools #RPPlay
34Our annual colour run is back and all in aid of @cashforkidsliv who do an incredible job to support children in our school community
Please share the sponsor link far and wide to raise as much money as we can for this wonderful charity! Thank you for your support!
Please see the letter detailing the arrangements for the day:
40Today we had an amazing time launching our new @OPAL_CIC resources. We climbed, made mud potions, played with small world pieces, used a parachute, built obstacle courses and more. We can’t wait to use these every day! #RPEnrichment
What a fantastic start to the new term! The focus of the day was PLAY. Children discussed the benefits and potential risks of each play area before going out and testing each area. Year 5 especially enjoyed making mud pies!
#PlanForPlay #OPALSchools #RPplay
41What a fantastic start to the Summer term! We launched our new @OPAL_CIC resources! From tree swings to den building to small world… WOW! We can’t wait for every playtime to look like this! #RPEnrichment
38We had an amazing start the summer term with a day of play! The children discussed how they wanted to use the play equipment, focusing on potential risks & benefits before getting out & testing it for themselves. Lots of fun was had by all @OPAL_CIC #OPALSchools #RPPlay
39Year 5 always enjoy learning outside and Thursday was no exception. We examined and discussed who these objects belonged to then made a prediction as to what our story could be about. #RPEnglish
29For St George’s Day, children can wear red and white to school tomorrow. Children will enjoy workshops with Past Productions. Keep an eye on our socials to find out what we get up to…
37For the third year running, @NextEnergyUK are sponsoring our PE kits which means every child will receive a FREE PE tracksuit and logo tshirt for the next academic year. Thank you so much for all the support this incredible company shows us
43Year 2 loved leading their smart school council meeting today. @SSCCTY They discussed & explored the impact
Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS
30Our new Reading Shed has arrived in our quiet zone. Children will be able to enjoy a range of fiction and non fiction books purchased with money raised through our reading sponsored event. We have also purchased Tonies for children who want to enjoy audible stories
41We are looking forward to @hitsradiolv joining us tomorrow for our colour run for @cashforkidsliv. Don’t forget your trainers
41Thank you so much for a brilliant day today. We pledged 242,000 steps as part of @hitsradiolv and @cashforkidsliv challenge and we have raised an incredible £1347 already! Thanks to our incredible team for pulling off a brilliant event.
And thank you to every parent and carer who showed up, participated and donated. Lots of videos and photos pending….but first a hot bath and bed! It’s not too late to donate and every penny makes a difference:
36Come and join us TODAY for our SEND Coffee Morning. Mrs Ryan, our Specialist Outreach Teacher, will share some tips and ideas on supporting your children with reading and spelling. Come and have a pastry and a chat, we look forward to seeing you then.
42With just less than a week to go until the start of Y6 SATs, please see the letter below for more information for arrangements
37Please see the letter attached for all the details of our father’s day celebration assemblies on Friday 14th June
36Three of our year 1 children were awarded our Golden Broom Award this week for demonstrating an excellent attitude towards tidying up our resources and equipment ensuring it is well looked after and ready for the next children to use! Well done girls!
34Our Summer Fair is back on Friday 21st June @ 1-4pm! Tickets will be available on Parent Pay from tomorrow. Entry will cost £2.50 and wristbands given out. Join us for fun in the sun… School will finish at 12.45pm on the day so all children can attend with their families.
*Meet and greets with unicorn ponies
*Birds of prey display
*Fair rides
*Face painting
*Food & drink
42Please make sure children are wearing factor 50 sun cream when the weather is predicted to be hot. Please leave jumpers/cardigans off. Children need a water bottle to stay hydrated & a hat to protect them from the sun. Children will be encouraged to play in shaded areas
38On Monday through to Thursday, we wish all of our Y6 children the best of luck as they sit their SATs. We know all of our children will try their best and that is all we ask for. But remember, SATs don’t measure who you really are
37Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS
44Please see the letter below for all of the information regarding the Y6 Celebration Sleepover tomorrow and what the children will need. Thank you #RPEnrichment
30Summer Fair tickets are now available to purchase on Parent Pay. Tickets cost £2.50 per person.
*Meet and greets with unicorn ponies
*Birds of prey display
*Fair rides
*Face painting
*Food & drinks
39Y6 have had a fantastic day in the sun and now are settling down with a movie in their teepees #RPEnrichment
37Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS Check out important information about parent @OPAL_CICplay day on @OutdoorClassDay
and sports day also #RPNews
33Well done to all of Nursery! You showed great motivation and resilience in all of the different stations! #RPPE #RPEnrichment
34WOW! What a great Sports Day! We showed great teamwork by cheering on our friends and we tried our very best at each of the stations including running, long jump, javelin, speed bounce and more! #RPEnrichment
34What an amazing sports day we had today. Our children showed fantastic motivation and perseverance to compete in each event ! #RPPE #RPEnrichment
33Today the children showed great resilience and motivation during sports day. Well done to all who took part and thank you to those who came along to cheer us on! #RPEnrichment #RPPE
28Our annual careers week is back and it is one of the events our children look forward to most. We are looking for members of our school and wider community to come and chat to our children about the brilliant and inspiring jobs they do.
Also, if there are specific careers you would like shared with our children pop it below and we will see what we can do.
Would you or somebody you know be interested in being part of our careers week? If so, please email us at with your availability and for more information. Please share with any contacts you may have.
32Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS
34Sadly our @OPAL_CIC parent play session was rained off with an amber weather warning but it has been rescheduled for Thursday 6th June. Fingers crossed the weather is better! Sign up here if you would like to join us for some outdoor fun:
40As part of the Million Steps Challenge, @cashforkidsliv teamed up with publisher Simon & Schuster to offer all participating primary schools the chance to win a Library Pack of 20 books. Following the end of the challenge all schools that signed up were put into a draw, and…we’re thrilled to let you know that our school is a winner! Books are on their way to us and will go into our reading shed for our children to enjoy
40If you haven’t emailed your photos in, please email them to by 3pm on Thursday 6th June to be included in the assembly.
31⭐️ Father’s Day Celebration Assemblies – Friday 14th June ⭐️
?If you haven’t emailed your photos in, please email them to by 3pm this Thursday to be included in the assembly.
43The weather is looking better for our @OPAL_CIC parent play day this Thursday afternoon. If you’re free, why not come and play with your child/ren? Sign up here if you would like to join us for some outdoor fun:
33Following our Wellbeing Award for Schools reassessment, see some of the highlights below. The report details all of our hard work and the impact which has, and continues to be, incredibly effective. Everything we do, we do for our children.
The full report can be found here:
26Thank you once again to the incredible Next Energy for sponsoring our P.E. kits for another year, meaning every child will receive a free P.E. tracksuit and t-shirt for school. Please see the letter attached with details:
29Our final clubs of the school year go live at 9ma tomorrow. Head to Parent Booking to book your child on. Thanks to our incredible team who devote their time to putting on clubs. Without them, we wouldn’t have been able to offer 58 clubs with 900+ places taken up!
31Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS
27We had a fantastic afternoon for our @OPAL_CIC parent play afternoon! We enjoyed playing with all of our new resources with our grown ups! We can’t wait for the next one! #RPEnrichment
34Thanks to everyone who attended our very special assembly. The children did us all proud & were superstars. Thanks for getting involved with our quiz fun and tie tying race. The children loved it and your Disney knowledge was surprisingly good! #RPAssembly
30We had a wonderful day celebrating our special men in preparation for Father’s Day. We challenged you to a dance off and you did amazing! We hope you all have a great weekend and left our assembly feeling very loved.
30Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS
Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful men who love and support our children ?
25Check out our Careers Week plans with more visitors to be added… Aspirations Day will take place on Friday 28th June and children can come dressed as something they want to be or do when they are older. #RPPSHE #RPPERSONALDEVELOPMENT
28We loved celebrating all of our special men during our Father’s Day Celebration! We hope you had a lovely day, we love you all lots! We especially loved our dance off… #RPEnrichment
20Thank you to Lee, one of the Managing Directors of Next Energy UK, for dropping in with a cheque for an incredible £6500 to sponsor our P.E. kits, ensuring all children are equipped for learning next year. We really appreciate it!
16We have had a fantastic day at @Smithillsfarm today. Benji took us around and we were able to feed & meet the animals, watch the cows being milked, enjoy donkey rides & tractor rides to feed the animals! One of the children said “I’m having the best day ever!” #RPEnrichment
14Our Summer Fair is back this Friday 1-4pm! Children can wear their own clothes to school. Purchase your tickets on Parent Pay and collect your wristbands from the office for priority access. Join us for fun in the sun…
School will finish at 12.45pm on the day so all children can attend with their families.
EYFS children should be collected from the Easton Road gate and KS1 & KS2 from their Western Avenue exits. All children and families should make their way around to Easton Rd for entry to the fair. All children are to be supervised by their adults.
Summer camp places can now be booked on Parent Pay. Sessions run from 9am – 3pm and cost just £12.50 per child, per day. Summer camp runs from Monday 22nd July – Friday 9th August. Children need to bring with them a coat, packed lunch, snack and water bottle.
19Please see the letter below for staffing arrangements for September 2024:
18Thank you to our amazing grown ups who joined us yesterday for ‘Reading is Fun’. It was lovely to invite you in to read with your child! #RPReading #RPEnrichment
21Y2 have been looking forward to their end of year trip & it didn’t disappoint. We had lots of awesome fun @BubblesPlayNB & were then able to enjoy the fabulous weatheron New Brighton beach with a delicious ice cream #RPEnrichment #NewBrighton #RNLI
more pics to come
18We earned our Gold Schools Game Mark! Well done Roby Park!
20Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS
23Check out our latest plans for Careers Week taking place this week. YR – Y2 have author Lauren Mather visiting on Wednesday and she will be signing copies of her new book Paws & Claws for children which is available on Parent Pay for £3 for anyone wanting to purchase
16We loved our visit from Glass Slipper Entertainment. We loved singing and dancing and learning all about being an entertainer! We especially loved meeting Belle #RPEnrichment #RPCareers
18We had a fantastic start to careers week with a visit from Rebecca Horn who is an independent psychosocial specialist who shared her work that she did with UNICEF and talented musician Chris Ellis who shared his experience of breaking into the music industry #RPCareersWeek
13We have loved the start of our careers week. We have discussed lots of different careers and can’t wait to meet our visitors. We have explored our provision, becoming doctors, nurses, builders, archaeologists, firefighters and even scientists! #RPEnrichment
18We started the week with a fantastic visit from @thekdclub. We explored how to get into a career of fashion and then had a go at creating our own designs! #RPCareersweek #RPEnrichment
17For #RPCareersWeek, we also had a visit from Merseyside Police! We experienced the motorbikes, tools, CSI investigations, fire arms and we even got to try on some uniform! #RPEnrichment
23Our second visit was from @KrisZadziuk. He showed us the process of becoming and animations director and how a simple design is transformed into a game. #RPCareersweek #RPEnrichment
16To start #RPCareersWeek, we had a visit from Rebecca Horn, a psychologist who has worked with UNICEF, and Chris Ellis who is a musician! We learned so much about their careers and skills specific to their jobs. #RPEnrichment
16Today we enjoyed a fantastic visit from @MerseyPolice. We were able to take a seat on the motorbikes, have our fingerprints taken, did a role play with crowd support and explored some equipment used by fire arms teams. #RPCareersweek #RPEnrichment
15For Day 2 of careers week, we were visited by different units of the @MerPolKnowsley who informed us of all they do for the community. We were also visited by @Knowsley_Leader who shared with the children the responsibilities he has as leader of the borough #RPCareersWeek
18We had a visit from John who is a chef at @DavidLloydUK. He told us all about his career as a chef and what he enjoys cooking most! Nursery were very interested in finding out what the strangest thing John had cooked was… and also what ice cream he loves most! #RPCareers
14Lastly we were joined by Gemma from @DavidLloydUK who is a personal trainer and children’s club entertainer. She told us all about the jobs she has at the gym and how she helps others. She taught us some exercises and stretches that we can do at home! #RPCareers #RPEnrichment
18We then had a visit from Diane from Angels and Scallies @dically11. She told us all about her role in entertainment and hosting children’s parties! We then had a great time taking part in some dancing and party games! #RPCareers #RPEnrichment
13We had a fantastic visit from @MerseyPolice @MerPolKnowsley They told us all about their jobs and let us sit on their motorbikes, in their van and have a look at some equipment! We definitely have some police officers in the making in Nursery! #RPCareers #RPEnrichment
16Our final visit was from John, a chef at @DavidLloydUK. He told the children the best part of his job, the food he likes to cook and the strangest food he has eaten. Children loved sharing their ideas with John and the foods they enjoy. #RPEnrichment #RPCareers
15We had a visit from Gemma today who is a personal trainer from @DavidLloydUK. She told us all about her role in the gym and the different jobs she does. Then she taught us some exercises and stretched that we can do to keep us fit and healthy. #RPEnrichment #RPCareers
18We loved singing, dancing and enjoying games with Diane from Angels and Scallies @dically11. She explained why she got into entertainment and how she loves making people smile. We all had big smiles today #RPEnrichment #RPCareers
21A great visit from @MerseyPolice @MerPolKnowsley. Children spoke to traffic officers about their job and they let us sit on their motorbikes. Then we got to sit in the back of a police van and learn about the items police officers use every day. #RPEnrichment #RPCareers
19We started with a visit from Glass Slipper Entertainment. Children loved singing and dancing with Belle. She told us all about her career as an entertainer. #RPEnrichment #RPCareers
106Today we had an amazing visit from @MerseyPolice @MerPolKnowsley.They taught us the skills behind CSI, how to become a motorbike officer, crowd control tactics, as well as letting us see the equipment fire arms officers use. #RPEnrichment #RPCareersweek
64We had a fabulous visit from @thekdclub who allowed us to try out our designing skills using a range of materials! It was interesting to hear how Kirsty got into her career. #RPCareersweek #RPEnrichment
65We had a fantastic session with the wonderful @KrisZadziuk, who discussed how his career as an animations director began. We loved hearing about projects he has worked on in the past and asking questions about future projects! #RPCareersweek #RPEnrichment
85Today in #RPCareersWeek, we had an amazing talk from @Knowsley_Leader who explained his job as a councillor. We learned all about the important decisions made, relationships and skills needed for such an important job!
70Y2 enjoyed visits from @MerPolKnowsley & @MerseyPolice. The officers told us about their jobs & we were lucky enough to sit on their bikes. We also got a closer look at some of their equipment & learnt more about fingerprints & the job scientific support has in policing
88A huge thankyou to @MerPolKnowsley & @MerseyPolice who visited us for careers week this morning and told us all about their jobs and answered lots of questions for us! We were lucky enough to sit on their bikes, turn on the sirens and see what’s it’s like in the back of a van!
83Today we had a great visit from @RobertsRecycle who discussed the importance of recycling clothes and reducing the impact of fast fashion. They explained how they are a family run business and how important it is to them all.
59A big thankyou to @RobertsRecycle who paid us a little visit to tell us all about their company! We learnt all about their business and how it started, what they do day to day to support recycling and spoke about what the best thing about being a business owner is! #RPCareersWeek
81Today we had a great visit from physiotherapist Ruth. We talked about the types of cases she has and how she helps people. We had a go at some of the exercises she recommends to her patients and looked at the internal workings of different joints in the body. #RPCareersweek
92We started the day with a visit from @LFCFoundation. We discussed the number of careers linked to football as well as how STEM can lead us into different jobs. We created mini rockets to practice our engineering skills.
105We LOVED our visit from @MerPolMounted today for careers week! We learnt that you don’t already have to be a rider to become mounted police, how to become a mounted officer, how valuable horses are to the police force and what the best part of the officers job is! #RPCareersWeek
82Our first visitor was the author and illustrator Lauren Mather. She read her book Paws and Claws to us. She really inspired us to be authors and illustrators #RPEnrichment #RPCareers
113We had a fantastic visit from @MerPolMounted who told us all about their role in the police! We loved learning all about the importance of police horses and how they become police horses! We found out that they have to be very very tall, a lot taller than us! #RPCareers
116Y2 loved meeting @MerPolMounted. The children had many great questions & we learnt how vets use teeth to find out the age of the horses. One child said, “I’d like to be a mounted police officer because they use horses to keep people safe & that must be rewarding.” #RPCareers
84We loved our visit from @MerPolMounted today. Children had so many great questions! They told us how long it takes to train the horses, what jobs they do and what their uniform is called. #RPCareers #RPEnrichment
86Today we had a great visit from physiotherapist Ruth. She told us what a physiotherapist is and what they do to help people. We really enjoyed looking at the model joints & practising some stretches that she uses to help improve peoples posture#RPCareersweek
70Y2 enjoyed meeting author and illustrator Lauren Mather who read her book Paws and Claws. The children loved asking her questions and got a better understanding of the process involved in writing and illustrating a book. #RPReading #RPCareersWeek
104Thanks John & Paul from @RobertsRecycle who told us about their jobs. We learnt about the importance of recycling old clothes and they showed us how their company does this. One child said, “I’d like to do this job because you can make the better by recycling.”#RPCareersWeek
121We had a lovely visit today from author and illustrator Lauren Mather who read her book Paws and Claws to us. We enjoyed asking questions about writing a book and each got our own signed copy too! #RPCareersWeek #RPReading
104Y2 enjoyed an inspiring visit from @drrachelbroady who shared her knowledge & experience of Journalism. One child said, “Journalism sounds like a fun job & I like the way even though Rachel was told she couldn’t be a journalist she went out & proved them wrong.” #RPCareersWeek
61Today we have had a visit from the lovely Rachel, who is a journalist. She discussed her personal journey towards her career, along with the positives and negatives of the job. We loved asking her questions about who she has interviewed!
63We had a lovely visit from Jamie who is a nuclear safety inspector. He taught us about the chemicals used, essential protective gear and even bought some items for us to have a look at!
61Today we had a fantastic visit from Dr Culshaw @The_ONR who is a Nuclear Safety Inspector. He brought along a decommissioned graphite core sample, which we all had the opportunity to look at and he told us all about the types nuclear fusion we use in the UK #RPCareersweek
106Playtimes have never been so good! We have made the most of the sunshine at playtimes and our opal after school clubs! #OPALSchools
107To end careers week we dressed up as what we would like to be when we grow up! We had lots of great aspirations including a surgeon, boxer, magician, train driver, hairdresser, footballers and even some princesses! #RPCareers #RPEnrichment
104Y2 hand a fantastic visit from performance poet @CurtisWatt who got us all engaged with his djembe drum. He encouraged us to think about & write down the things we would need to do to achieve our dream jobs. Focus & practise were 2 of our key words. #RPCareersWeek
74To end careers week, we all came to school dressed as what we aspire to be when we are older. From doctors to policemen, soldiers to vets, footballers, princesses and zoo keepers – I am so excited to see what the future has in store for you all! #RPEnrichment #RPcareersweek
59We had a fantastic visit from @CurtisWatt who is a performance poet. He told us about the journey he has been on to get to where is he now and got us all engaged with his djembe drum that we couldn’t resist dancing to!Resilience and working hard were our key words! #RPCareersWeek
89Thank you to our grown ups who joined us last week and this week for ‘Reading is Fun’. We love sharing exciting stories with you and growing our passion for reading! #RPReading #readingforpleasure
104Another fantastic @OPAL_CIC afternoon with our grown ups! We love inviting you in to play with us and share all of our amazing resources! #RPEnrichment
78Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS
73Today we had our final celebration assembly of the year, where our Stars of the Year awards were given out. Well done to everybody nominated!
109We have lots of surplus uniform in our uniform swap shop. Please help yourself save money and reduce preloved uniform going into landfill
82Well done House of the Year – Slytherin! We hope you enjoyed your ice creams
118We had a brilliant Olympic dance workshop with @educationgroup. We focused on Spain and came to school wearing Spanish colours before learning some Spanish style dancing! #RPEnrichment #Olympics
74Our last OPAL newsletter of the academic year is available now! So many exciting new plans that will be taking place over the coming months! We can’t wait for our children’s reactions….@OPAL_CIC
98Here are 2024-25 digital leaders who will be working with Mrs Lyon and Miss Sutton
1Say hello to our @EcoSchools reps 2024-25 who will be looking at our we can improve our community to aid bio diversity amongst other exciting projects with Mrs Allen
3Our fantastic wellbeing champions will continue their work, alongside Mrs Lyon and Mrs Tucker, to help support the wellbeing of their peers and our school community using their One Goal training
3Our extra-curricular clubs go live tomorrow at 8am on Parent Booking. Clubs run from 3-4pm and children should be collected via the Easton Road gate. Please make sure they have trainers with them in a bag, if needed. There will be no clubs on: 12.9.24, 2.10.24, 9.10.24
1Today is going to be a hot one! Please leave jumpers and cardigans at home. Thank you
1We’re so excited to be a part of @YVconcerts performing at Manchester’s Co-op Arena in February 2025. If your child is in Y3-6 and would like to participate, check out the letter below.
1Check out our latest newsletter #RPNews
1Please can all of our parents & carers complete this quick survey to share your opinions on play at Roby Park. The class with the most responses will win an extra OPAL afternoon with ice creams next week! Click on the link:
2Our new digging area and mud kitchen area is proving a popular space to play. Thank you to @Littlefoothq for sorting us out! @OPAL_CIC
1We can’t wait to see all of our rock stars today! Children will enjoy a powerful message from @RockKidzUK about perseverance, aspirations and reaching for their goals.
1Today we came to dressed as rock stars for our session with @RockKidzUK. We had so much fun rocking out, dancing, singing but most importantly learning about perseverance to achieve our goals #RPEnrichment
1Please make sure you have downloaded and interact on the Class Charts Parent App to keep up to date with letters, newsletters and updates. Physical letters are not sent home. Don’t miss out on all of the incredible things that happen at Roby Park…
1It is time to apply for your child’s Reception place. Deadline – 15th January 2025. Being in our Nursery does not guarantee you a place in our Reception so be sure to get your applications in on time.
Link to school admission webpages:
Link to application portal:
2We’re looking forward to welcoming parents & carers to our @JuniorDukeAward workshops. All workshops start at 9am and parents/carers will be working alongside their child to decide what challenges they will complete over the next academic year.
5Check out our latest newsletter #RPNews
5This week, we had a fantastic session with @RockKidzUK. They taught us about having resilience and determination, whilst dancing and singing along to their catchy songs! #RPEnrichment