
To quality assure the school effectiveness, our school is routinely inspected by Ofsted. Ofsted last inspected the school in  October 2024 under Section 8 of the Education Act 2005 confirming that the school has taken effective action to maintain the standards identified at the previous inspection. Ofsted do not give graded judgements on an ungraded inspection.


Dear Parents/Carers,


Following our recent inspection on 15th and 16th October 2024. I am delighted to enclose our Ofsted Report which informs you that Roby Park Primary has taken effective action to maintain the standards identified at the previous inspection.


Our school has worked hard on our school improvement journey over the past 5 years and this Ofsted report is an incredible recognition of the hard work and commitment of all of our school community in building a strong, happy and successful Primary School. This is an excellent achievement for all of our children, staff and governors and I am extremely proud of everyone. Thank you to parents/carers that took the time to complete the Parent View questionnaires and to speak to our inspector. Your support for our school came across very strongly and we are so pleased about this, as working effectively with parents/carers is a fundamental aspect of our work and contributes greatly to the success of our school.


In addition to academic success, it is great to see that our school values, ethos and community spirit are also strongly reflected in the report. As you are aware, we are passionate about educating the ‘whole child’ and ensuring that we provide pupils with an impressive range of experiences and opportunities, afford them a range of responsibilities and teach them about valuing and respecting others. Above all, we want them to really enjoy coming to school as we know that when pupils feel happy, safe and cared for, they do well both academically and socially. Our pupils were fantastic during the inspection; they carried on as usual and chatted happily, enthusiastically and confidently to the inspector about a wide range of subjects and enrichment experiences. Here are some highlights from the report which all our pupils and parents/carers should feel very proud of:


‘Children rise to the school’s high expectations for their education and achieve well across a range of subjects.’

‘Pupils benefit from the many well-considered opportunities that the school provides to build their understanding of different people.’

‘Pupils develop a deep understanding of equality. Pupils develop empathy and are keen to help others.’

‘Pupils’ behaviour indicates that they listen well to staff and are self-disciplined.’

‘Pupils are proud of their school. They keenly contribute to improving the school’s work through many different roles…’

‘At the centre of the school’s ongoing success is a firm commitment to equality.’

‘It expertly identifies pupils’ needs and the obstacles that pupils may face in their learning.’

‘Most children in the early years, and pupils across the rest of the school, flourish in their academic, social and emotional development.’

‘It has a well-informed understanding of how successfully pupils know and remember crucial knowledge.’

‘Pupils, including those with SEND, become confident, competent early readers. The school inspires pupils to read through its use of high-quality fiction and non-fiction books.’

‘The school has taken many thoughtful steps to improve pupils’ opportunities for play at breaktimes and lunchtimes’

‘The school provides impressive extra learning opportunities for pupils in all year groups.’

‘Pupils gain the confidence, knowledge and skills that they need to be exceptionally well prepared for their future lives.’


We will build on the success of this report, addressing any areas that require further development and, working in partnership with parents/carers, ensure that our fantastic school continues to go from strength to strength. The report will be published on the OFSTED website in the next few days and we will provide a link to this on our website too. Click here to read a copy of the latest inspection report.


If you have any questions regarding the report, do not hesitate to contact me.


Warmest regards,

Kat Allen





Parent View

Parent View is an online questionnaire for you to give your views about this school at any time of the year. At the time of an Ofsted inspection, parents are also invited to give inspectors their views. You can find out more about Parent View by clicking this link below:


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