RPNews Chatter

We will be offering free adult courses at Roby Park
We will be offering free adult courses at Roby Park. Complete the online form to express your interest for signing up: forms.gle/Ux9bVwkXyXbiZj
? Check out our latest newsletter
? Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS https://robyparkprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/15.9.23.pdf
?️? Check out our latest newsletter
?️? Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS https://robyparkprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/29.9.23.pdf
??️ Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS
??️ Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS https://robyparkprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/6.10.23.pdf
? ?️Check out our latest newsletter
? ?️Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS https://robyparkprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/13.10.23.pdf
?️? Check out our latest newsletter
?️? Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS https://robyparkprimary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/20.10.23.pdf
?️? Check out our latest newsletter
?️? Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS
Check out our latest news…
Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS
Check out our latest news….
Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS

Spring Enrichment
Check out what is coming up this Spring term and save the key dates in your diary #RPEnrichment #RPMemoryMakers
Online Safety Newsletters
Every month, we upload online safety newsletters to our website. Check them out for hints and tips on how to keep your children safe: robyparkprimary.co.uk/parent-informa
Y1 Attendance Prize Trip
We spent the morning at Space World as a treat for being the class with the highest attendance in Autumn! Laughing, playing and having fun with our friends – what a great way to start the week! Well done year 1, keep it up!. #RPEnrichment
Our Mural at Huyton Train Station
A mural capturing everything the community loves about #Huyton has been unveiled at Huyton Train Station.

Thank You to Our Staff!
So much fun was had today in the snow All children enjoyed today, building snowmen and having snowball fights with their friends. A special shout out to Mr Lyon, Mr Couling & Mr Swatman who were the dream team moving the snow & making sure school was safe
Financial Support for Families
If you are struggling financially, with no other means of support, you may be able to apply for some help. Please see the post below for full details:
Uniform Giveaway
If you are in need of new uniform items, check out our rails and help yourself to whatever you may need. We are also collecting donations of clean, outgrown uniform also. Thank you.
Parent & Carer Feedback
Thank you for your positive and supportive feedback. It is greatly appreciated
Home School Association
We hope you can join us this afternoon, at 3pm, for our H.S.A meeting to plan for your exciting ideas and upcoming events
Sam Thompson’s One Million Steps Challenge
Did you hear about our involvement in the @cashforkidsliv one million steps challenge this May? Listen to Mrs Allen having a chat with @SamThompsonUK on @hitsradiouk
Sponsored PE Kits 2024-25
For the third year running, @NextEnergyUK are sponsoring our PE kits which means every child will receive a FREE PE tracksuit and logo tshirt for the next academic year. Thank you so much for all the support this incredible company shows us
Y2 SMART Council
Year 2 loved leading their smart school council meeting today. @SSCCTY They discussed & explored the impact

Summer Fair
Our Summer Fair is back on Friday 21st June @ 1-4pm! Tickets will be available on Parent Pay from tomorrow. Entry will cost £2.50 and wristbands given out. Join us for fun in the sun… School will finish at 12.45pm on the day so all children can attend with their families.
*Meet and greets with unicorn ponies
*Birds of prey display
*Fair rides
*Face painting
*Food & drink
Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS
Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS Check out important information about parent @OPAL_CICplay day on @OutdoorClassDay
and sports day also #RPNews
Careers Week 2024
Our annual careers week is back and it is one of the events our children look forward to most. We are looking for members of our school and wider community to come and chat to our children about the brilliant and inspiring jobs they do.
Also, if there are specific careers you would like shared with our children pop it below and we will see what we can do.
Would you or somebody you know be interested in being part of our careers week? If so, please email us at robypark@knowsley.gov.uk with your availability and for more information. Please share with any contacts you may have.
Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS
Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS

Happy Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful men who love and support our children ?
Careers Week
Check out our Careers Week plans with more visitors to be added… Aspirations Day will take place on Friday 28th June and children can come dressed as something they want to be or do when they are older. #RPPSHE #RPPERSONALDEVELOPMENT
Check out our latest newsletter #RPNEWS
Uniform Swap Shop
We have lots of surplus uniform in our uniform swap shop. Please help yourself save money and reduce preloved uniform going into landfill
House Team of the Year
Well done House of the Year – Slytherin! We hope you enjoyed your ice creams
OPAL Newsletter
Our last OPAL newsletter of the academic year is available now! So many exciting new plans that will be taking place over the coming months! We can’t wait for our children’s reactions….@OPAL_CIC
Sun Safety
Today is going to be a hot one! Please leave jumpers and cardigans at home. Thank you
Young Voices Concert – 24th February 2025
We’re so excited to be a part of @YVconcerts performing at Manchester’s Co-op Arena in February 2025. If your child is in Y3-6 and would like to participate, check out the letter below.
Check out our latest newsletter #RPNews
OPAL Parent & Carer Survey
Please can all of our parents & carers complete this quick survey to share your opinions on play at Roby Park. The class with the most responses will win an extra OPAL afternoon with ice creams next week! Click on the link:
Y5 Rock Kidz
Year 5 had a great day with @RockKidzUK today. We rocked, sang, danced and learnt about the importance of never giving up!! #RPEnrichment #RPPSHE
Check out our latest newsletter #RPNews

National Teaching Assistant Day
To all of our amazing Teaching Assistants, you are worth your weight in gold. Caring, nurturing, supportive, knowledgeable, determined, passionate. Our children are lucky to have you! Thank you!
Recycle Week
Get involved in Recycle Week this week! You can help us by donating unwanted clothes to school as well as old tech lying around your house. Check out the presentation for more info…

Food Bank Donations
Today we are coming together to support our local food bank. Children can bring in a donation and in return wear their own clothes. Thank you for your support

Fruit for Schools
Wow our fruit has gone down a storm this morning! Children particularly enjoyed the watermelon, pineapple and strawberries they could help themselves to Thank you to @Tesco stronger starts and thank you to @GreggsOfficial for the fridge to store our fruit and veg
Autumn Progress Meetings
Our Autumn Progress Meetings are taking place next Wednesday and Thursday. If you haven’t already, booked your appointment to meet with your child’s class teacher, head to Parent Booking: parents-booking.co.uk/robyparkprimar We look forward to seeing you all next week and sharing how well your children are getting on at Roby Park.
Armistice Day Service
On Monday @ 2.15pm we will be holding our annual Armistice Day service. We look forward to welcoming parents and carers to join us.
Christmas Family Dining
Our annual Christmas Family Dining events are back!
Head to Parent Booking to reserve the total number of seats you need for your family party including all adults (maximum of 2) and all children: parents-booking.co.uk/ROBYPARKPRIMAR
Then please head to Parent Pay to make payment for your adult meals. Only when seats are booked and paid for is your booking secured. DEADLINE: FRIDAY 29TH NOVEMBER @ 9AM
Outdoor Classroom Day
Today is @OutdoorClassDay so come and mark the occasion with our @OPAL_CIC parent play afternoon from 1.30-3pm. Wrap up warm and come and enjoy what Roby Park has to offer.
Y5 Attendance Recognition Reward
We enjoyed our attendance recognition prize of parachute games this week!
Outdoor Classroom Day
There was no better way to mark @OutdoorClassUKI than to have one of our half termly parent @OPAL_CIC play afternoons! What a fantastic time everyone had!

Y4 SMART Council
Our @SSCCTY session focused on the British Values of democracy and tolerance as we discussed how we could raise awareness of the upcoming anti-bullying week #RPBritishValues #RPSchoolCouncil
Y2 Forest School
In forest school today, we explored the area & observed the seasonal changes. We also worked collaboratively to complete team challenges which helped develop our communication & teamwork skills. #RPForestSchool
Y2 Outdoor Classroom Day
We celebrated @OutdoorClassDay with a fantastic @OPAL_CIC stay and play afternoon. Children & adults made the most of the play opportunities & had fun. The hay bales, loose parts, construction, den building & climbing frame were all very busy areas #RPEnrichment #RPPlay
Fruit & Veg for Schools
Wow our free fruit has been exceptionally popular this week. The children have devoured:
31 punnets of strawberries
10 watermelons
200 apples
223 bananas
48 oranges & 130 satsumas
14 pineapples
9 tins of apricots
8 boxes of plums and 8 boxes of blueberries
The feedback has been so positive and children are saying it is the favourite part of their day
Please don’t feel you need to provide your child with a morning snack, we have a lot of fruit to provide. Children are even taking fruit out after their lunch! Thank you
Odd Socks Day for Anti-bullying Week

Y1 Outdoor Classroom Day
To celebrate @OutdoorClassDay we had a fantastic afternoon of @OPAL_CIC stay and play. Children & adults made the most of the play opportunities & had fun. The hay bales, loose parts, construction, den building & the swings were all very busy areas #RPEnrichment #RPPlay
YN Odd Socks Day
Today Nursery celebrated #AntiBullyingWeek2024 by wearing odd socks. We all designed our own odd sock with different colours and patterns. #chooserespect
YR Odd Socks Day
Today we wore odd socks to show support for #AntiBullyingWeek2024. We discussed ways we can show and receive respect and designed our own odd sock
Y4 Odd Socks Day
Year 4 tuned in this morning with #BBCLiveLessons for #Antibullyingweek2024. This year’s theme is all about choosing respect; we thought about how we should treat others and how to deal with conflict with respect. We then created an acrostic poem about respect.

World Diabetes Day
Children can wear blue clothes to school today to raise awareness for World Diabetes Day
Parent/Carer Questionnaire Feedback
Thank you to everybody who attended our Autumn Progress evenings. Thank you also for your extremely positive feedback
Children in Need
The best sort of day, is a pj day. £1 donations can be handed in on the doors or to class teachers. Thank you
Y6 Anti-bullying Week
This week it has been #AntiBullyingWeek2024. Year 6 have showed great respect towards each other and have discussed the importance of resolving issues appropriately. We loved the
Y6 World Diabetes Day
We came to school wearing blue to raise awareness for #WorldDiabetesDay2024
Y3 Forest School
We had an amazing @Littlefoothq Forest School session this morning. We created shelters, made art with leaves and practiced our knot tying skills. #RPForestSchool
Y3 Science
Continuing our Science learning on rocks, today we investigated different types of soil by texture, smell and how it reacts with water! We even found some friends in the soil too… #RPScience
Y2 Anti-bullying Week

EYFS Scooter Club
Nursery and Reception enjoyed their very first scooter club! We have shown great listening skills by making sure we stayed on the track.
YN English
This week Nursery have been super busy painting their own pet stars from our new text ‘My Pet Star’. We used the paint to create an outline, we then painted our stars yellow not forgetting to add eyes and a smile!
Y2 World Diabetes Day
A day that is close to our heart in Y2 so we came to school wearing blue to raise awareness for #WorldDiabetesDay2024
YR World Diabetes Day
Yesterday we wore blue to raise awareness for #WorldDiabetesDay2024
YR Children in Need
Today we came to school wearing our pyjamas to raise money for @BBCCiN and @timeforbeduk. We discussed the amazing work they do for children and families in the UK.
OPAL Golden Welly Award
Our golden wellie award went to a child in year 2 this week who has been a kind friend and gone out of her way to make sure people aren’t left out at playtimes. Well done!
YN Nano Duke Winner
Congratulations to one of our pupils in Nursery for completing her Nano Duke Award. She has completed all seven of the challenges meaning she has received a certificate and a badge!
Y3 Children in Need
Today we celebrated Children in Need by raising money, wearing our comfy pyjamas to school and reading some of our favourite stories in relaxing places around the classroom.
Y5 Anti-bullying Week
This week it has been #antibullyingweek2024. We have focused on the theme of respect and how to respect others and solve conflicts appropriately. We loved the @cbbc live lesson where we created our own acrostic poems about respect. #respect #RPPSHE

Junior Duke Winners
Congratulation to our first @JuniorDukeAward winners. Alice in YN is our first Nano Duke winner and Alex YR & Dolly YR are our first Mirco Duke winners. Well done on your accomplishments as well as earning 100 Class Chart points for your Houses
Odd Socks Competition
Congratulations to our odd socks competition winners who were photographed in the strangest of places or the most peculiar of ways. We hope you enjoy your @SmythsToysUK vouchers! #chooserespect
Weather Warning
Snow has been forecast over night. Please leave plenty of time to get to school. Please ensure children are wrapped up warm so we can have fun in the snow should it settle.
Y4 Attendance Recognition
Year 4 landed on popcorn and a movie on our Classopoly board #RPAttendance #RPEnrichment
EYFS Star Gazing Walk
Thank you to all of our grown ups for joining us for our night walk! Reception had a fantastic time spotting lots of stars and different lights in the sky. We especially loved ending our night with a lovely warm hot chocolate!
Junior Dukes Meeting – 16th December
Children have until Monday 16th December to take on some of their @JuniorDukeAward challenges and update their journals, ahead of their class Duke Meeting.
Please add photos/evidence of challenges and complete reflections.
All children must bring their journals in to school on Monday 16th December please.
Children will get their challenges signed off by their Duke Leaders and earn 10 points per challenge plus an additional 100 points when they have completed all 7 challenges. That is an incredible 170 points in total for them and their team!
OPAL Newsletter – Autumn Term 2024 Edition
Check out our latest @OPAL_CIC newsletter with exciting information about additional morning play
Y4 Show Racism the Red Card Workshop
We had a fantastic session with @SRTRC_England. We learnt more about racism and discussed the effects this would have on people. We then worked collaboratively to create a poster to spread our anti-racism message #RPPSHE #RPEnrichment
Y3 & Y4 Help Your Child Thrive Programme
We are thrilled to have @PlusOneCIC returning to Roby Park to deliver the Help Your Child Thrive Programme to Y3 & Y4 parents in January.
See the letter below for more details and find out how to secure your place: robyparkprimary.co.uk/wp-content/upl
Junior Dukes Meeting
Due to illness, we postponed yesterday’s @JuniorDukeAward meeting until Thursday. If your child has not returned their journal, please do so by Thursday morning at the latest.
We have taken the decision to present all children with their certificates and badge upon completion of challenges in our celebration assemblies and all children awarded with their Junior Duke badge will be invited to our prestigious garden party in the Summer term!
If you have misplaced your child’s journal, please replace it by ordering from the shop on the Junior Duke webpage: https://t.co/SdIyKp8yDn

Merry Christmas
We want to take this opportunity to wish our whole school community a very merry Christmas.
Thank you for your love and support throughout 2024. It has been an incredible year for Roby Park.
Christmas is not about what is under the tree but who is around it and we can’t wait for the children to return to tell us all about it. Rarely they mention gifts, they mention you. They share their cherished memories of pj days snuggled on the sofa watching movies and eating only chocolate or funny stories of things that happened with their loved ones
Enjoy this special time together, relaxing and making memories and we look forward to seeing you all in the new year
Junior Dukes
Our next @JuniorDukeAward meeting is on Monday 10th February. We look forward to signing children’s challenges off which are complete with photos/evidence and written reflections
Children who complete 7/10 challenges will be awarded their certificate and badge in our weekly celebration assemblies and their family will be added to the guestlist for our @JuniorDukeAward Summer Festival!
Will you be partying with us?