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Computing Chatter

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In computing this week Y2 deepened their understanding of what a computer is


In computing this week Y2 deepened their understanding of what a computer is. They loved taking part in a ‘computer safari’ around school and even designed their own computer inventions @kapowprimary Parents can see these creations on our class @Seesaw #RPcomputing

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In computing this week Y2 deepened their understanding of what a computer is


In computing this week Y2 deepened their understanding of what a computer is. They loved taking part in a ‘computer safari’ around school and even designed their own computer inventions @kapowprimary Parents can see these creations on our class @Seesaw #RPcomputing

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Y2 Computing


In computing this week the children had a go at following an algorithm to make their own paper boat. They discovered the importance of making sure each step is clear and are beginning to apply this when debugging code on scratch. #RPComputing

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Y2 Computing


In computing the children learnt about word processing. They became familiar with the keyboard by typing up extracts from their favourite books and learnt some keyboard short cuts to help them alter text. Examples of their work is on seesaw. #RPComputing

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Online Safety Newsletters


Every month, we upload online safety newsletters to our website. Check them out for hints and tips on how to keep your children safe:

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Y4 English


To fully immerse ourselves in a variety of different settings we used @ClassVR to transport us to range of fantasy locations. These included an enchanted forest, a viking’s great hall and a monster’s cave 


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Y1 Computing


We looked at algorithms in computing – starting with inputs and outputs before decomposing instructions to see the importance of these being in the correct order to get the right result. We then followed an algorithm correcting any bugs along the way! #RPComputing

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Y3 Computing


In Computing, we worked on our emailing skills. We began by composing and sending simple emails and getting used to the inbox and drafts features. Then, we were able to add attachments to our emails for the recipient to view. #RPComputing

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Y5 Computing


In computing today Y5 learnt: how the Mars Rover transmits data; how to read and add binary numbers; how to write a message using binary numbers and how to instruct the Mars Rover to carry out investigations. #RPComputing

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Y6 Computing


During computing today, we explored how barcodes and QR codes store and record data for a variety of reasons. We also discussed the purposes of infrared and designed our own system using it. From this, we inputted data onto excel and made graphs. #RPComputing

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Y1 Computing


We looked at digital imagery today and started by planning photo stories that we could then recreate using an iPad to take photos with our friends. We then edited these using tools to help us to crop, change the colour, add filters and resize! 


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Y4 Computing


In computing we began to recognise the role of HTML on a web page and looked at how to edit HTML to change the text and images


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Y3 Computing


During Computing Day, we have been looking at the journey inside of a computer! We investigated the different components inside of a computer, performed algorithms as the CPU and GPU and looked at tablet devices too. #RPComputing

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Y4 Computing


We learnt that there are four main strands: decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction and algorithm design. We then completed a range of activities based on them #RPComputing

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Y3 Computing


In Computing, we developed our video editing skills to make Book Trailers for some of our favourite books. We used clipping, transitions, voiceovers and different camera angles to engage our audiences! #RPComputing

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Y4 Religious Education


In RE our topic was special places. We looked at special places across different religions including their places of worship and different pilgrimage sites. Then looked at it in a personal way, thinking about special places to us. #RPRE

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Y5 Computing


There was an air of excitement in Year 5 this week. The children were fully engaged in their @kapowprimary computing lessons that taught them how to plan, programme, debug a @bbcmicrobot for different purposes. #RPcomputing

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Y3 English


We had the opportunity to use VR headsets in our English lesson to immerse ourselves into our Ancient Egyptian setting. We also applied what we discovered into our History learning too! #RPEnglish #RPHistory

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Y5 Computing


Year 5 displayed such creativity during computing this week. They planned, created and edited a Stop Motion animation. Here is just a very small snapshot of their hard work.


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Y3 Computing


In Computing, we used top trumps to understand databases and fields. We created our own, then inputted our data into a spreadsheet. We also looked at different hotels and filtered the databases by the facilities we wanted on our dream holiday.  #RPComputing

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Y1 Computing


We used sketchpad to insert text boxes to create a list of materials we would need to make a rocket we could then launch to be able to record the distances they travel in a spreadsheet. After this we created our rocket designs and used click and drag to label them!

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Y2 Computing


Y2 enjoyed exploring @Space_Station in their computing lessons this week. They identified & digitally drew items that astronauts need to survive and created algorithms that would be useful when living and working on the International Space Station.


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Y5 Computing


Yesterday in computing, we explored how images are transferred from Mars to Earth. The children explored the impact of pixel size and journey length on a picture. They also designed a pixelated image, which they then created using a spreadsheet. #RPComputing

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Digital Leaders


Here are 2024-25 digital leaders who will be working with Mrs Lyon and Miss Sutton