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Assemblies Chatter

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YR Picture News Assembly

@HelpPicture was very interesting this week. Reception were able to discuss lots of rules that vehicles need to follow on the road. They are very excited that one day, they might be able to have a self-driving vehicle.
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Mother’s Day Celebrations


 Our Mother’s Day celebration services are back on Weds 6th March. We are looking forward to inviting in all of the wonderful women who make a difference in the lives of all of our children. See the letter below for all of the details: 

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Y6 SMART Council


Today in Year 6, we promoted the British Value of democracy through our smart school council session. Children were able to discuss what they would prefer to do with the extra day due to the leap year. The majority vote was to spend time with family and friends. 


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Mother’s Day Celebration Assemblies


Our Mother’s Day Celebration Assemblies take place today and the children are very excited.

Assembly times are as follows:

• EYFS @ 9 – 9.45am

• Y3 & Y4 @ 10.00 – 10.45am

• Y1 & Y2 @ 1.10 – 2.00pm

• Y5 & Y6 @ 2.10 – 2.50pm

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EYFS Mother’s Day


Thank you to all of our special ladies that joined us today. We are so proud of the children for showing great confidence and fabulous singing! We hope you enjoyed spending time with your little ones, it was beautiful to hear their lovely words.

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YR Mother’s Day Celebration Assemblies


We had the most beautiful morning celebrating all of our special ladies. The children made us all so proud today as they explained why you are all so special. We hope you loved your gifts and have a lovely weekend. #RPEnrichment

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Y6 Mother’s Day Celebration Assemblies


Thank you to all of the fabulous ladies who attended todays Mother’s Day assembly. The children did us all proud with their lovely words and fabulous singing. We hope all of the significant women in our lives enjoy the celebrations 

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Y5 Picture News


In @HelpPicture this week, we asked ‘Should mobile phones be banned in all classrooms?’ This created some valid discussion points for and against the ban. #RPPSHE

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Y4 Smart Council


Year 4 promoted the British Value of democracy through our smart school council session. Children were able to discuss ‘What ways can we be proud of ourselves and our school?’The majority vote was to treat each other with respect .

#RPBV #RPWellbeing

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YR Assembly


Well done to Reception on a fantastic class assembly. Children loved that grown ups joined in with dough disco! We are so glad that everyone enjoyed being part of our learning from this half term. #RPEYFS

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Y1 SMART Council


For our latest @SSCCTY meeting we discussed what ways we can be proud of our school and ourselves. We used our British values of respect and democracy to ensure that everybody had a say in our discussions before casting our votes! #RPBV #RPWellbeing

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YR Picture News


Our @HelpPicture this week was one Reception could really relate to, they love being artist. We discussed leaving art in different places and how we value each other’s art. It links with our British Value of Respect and Tolerance.

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Y2 SMART Council


Year 2 loved leading their smart school council meeting today. @SSCCTY They discussed & explored the impact

@OPAL_CIC was having on their playtimes. They enjoyed debating & sharing their opinions before casting their votes. #Democracy #BritishValues #OPALSchool
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Y3 SMART Council


We promoted the British Value of democracy and tolerance through our smart school council lesson. We looked at the different ways our OPAL playtime is improving our school. We voted and debated about which option was the best.


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Y1 SMART Council


Following launching our new @OPAL_CIC playtimes, this weeks @SSCCTY meeting was focused on the impact that OPAL has had on our playtime in school. Promoting the British Value of democracy and tolerance, it was lovely to see what the children are enjoying most! #RPBV #RPPSHE

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Y4 SMART Council


In this weeks smart school council session, we promoted the British Value of democracy. We looked at the different ways our OPAL playtime is improving our school. We voted and debated about which choice was best.


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Y5 SMART Council


Play times have been transformed beyond recognition at Roby Park recently and during our Smart Schools Council Meeting Year 5 exercised their democratic right to vote. They discussed the impact @OPAL_CICis having on our playtimes..

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OPAL Golden Broom Award


Three of our year 1 children were awarded our Golden Broom Award this week for demonstrating an excellent attitude towards tidying up our resources and equipment ensuring it is well looked after and ready for the next children to use! Well done girls!


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YR Picture News Assembly


In @HelpPicture this morning, we discussed what the past is and how we find things out. Children suggested we could read books, look on the internet or talk to an adult. They were very intrigued with this weeks question.

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Y1 Smart Council


Our @SSCCTY meetings are pupil led and so this was a perfect chance to find out what they would like the reward to be for the house with the most house points and to share all of their ideas! Lots wanted bouncy castles but Taylor Swift and water parks were suggestions too!

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Y2 Smart Council


Macy and Poppy did a fantastic job of leading our @SSCCTY meeting today. Our focus was what reward we would like for the house with the most house points. The children loved sharing their ideas and taking part in a democratic vote.  #Democracy #BritishValues

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Y3 SMART Council


Once again this week we used our British Values of democracy and tolerance during our smart school council. We discussed what we would like our team house to win and debated which reward was the best.


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Y5 Smart Council


Being tolerant and democracy were displayed in Year 5 this morning during our @SSCCTY class assembly. We voted on the reward we would like the most if our house team won. Well done to Amellia and Thomas for hosting to meeting. #RPBV #RPPhse

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Y4 Picture News Assembly


In our @HelpPicture today it focused on the British Value of democracy. The big question brought on a lot of thoughtful discussion #RPBritishValues

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Y1 SMART Council


In today’s @SSCCTY our focus was the British Value respect. We asked the question ‘How do you show and receive respect in school’. Our answers were very mixed but we were very respectful in hearing each others different ideas and thoughts! Well done year 1! #RPPSHE

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YR SMART Council


In our @SSCCTY assembly this week children talked about how we feel respected in school and how we show others respect. Children felt that we did this best by being kind to everyone even when we don’t agree. Linking to our British value, respect and tolerance. #RPPSHE

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Y2 SMART Council


Y2 were democratic in their @SSCCTY meeting today. The children discussed the British Value respect & considered how they show & receive respect in school. One child said, “I feel respected @RobyParkSchool because it is a kind school and we celebrate differences.” #RPPSHE

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YN SMART Council Assembly


In last week’s @SSCCTY our focus was the British Value of ‘Respect’. We discussed ways in which we show and receive respect in school. Nursery were great at listening to each other’s thoughts and sharing their own ideas!  #RPPSHE

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KS1 Father’s Day Celebration Assembly


Thanks to everyone who attended our very special assembly. The children did us all proud & were superstars. Thanks for getting involved with our quiz fun and tie tying race. The children loved it and your Disney knowledge was surprisingly good! #RPAssembly

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YR Picture News Assembly


During our @HelpPicture assembly, children shared that a good leader should be kind, talk to people nicely, make good rules to keep us safe and listen to others. They also had some ideas for the next Prime Minister!

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YN Father’s Day


We loved celebrating all of our special men during our Father’s Day Celebration! We hope you had a lovely day, we love you all lots! We especially loved our dance off…  #RPEnrichment

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YN Picture News Assembly


This week’s @HelpPicture news related to individual liberty. We discussed the question ‘what makes a good friend?’ We think that a good friend is someone who is kind, plays with you and makes you laugh! We then shared some kind things that we like about our friends in class! 

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Stars of the Week

Well done to all of our stars this week!
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Y2 Rock Kidz

@RockKidzUK you were amazing! We had so much fun rocking out, dancing, singing but most importantly learning about the perseverance need achieve our goals. #ambition #RPPSHE #RPEnrichment
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Stars of the Week


Well done to all of our stars this week! 

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Y5 SMART Council Assembly


In today’s smart school council assembly we discussed what we were most looking forward to in Year 5. We had a variety of answers including making new friends, new teachers and improving our work.


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Y4 SMART Council Assembly


In today’s smart school council assembly we discussed what we were most looking forward to in Year 4. We had a variety of answers including our school trips, new teachers and learning new things.


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YR SMART Council Assembly


Reception loved their first @SSCCTY meeting. We discussed what things we are most looking forward to this year in school. We all had a vote and decided that we are most looking forward to making lots of new friends  #RPPSHE

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Y2 SMART Council Assembly


Our democratically elected school councillors loved leading their first @SSCCTY meeting. We discussed what things we are most looking forward to in school this year. #BritishValues #democracy #RPPSHE

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Y3 Attendance Recognition


We were so lucky to win a mini disco prize on our Classopoly Attendance Recognition board! We had great fun and look forward to having our amazing attendance valued once more! #RPEnrichment

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Stars of the Week


Well done to all of our stars this week!