Assemblies Chatter

Mother’s Day Celebrations
Our Mother’s Day celebration services are back on Weds 6th March. We are looking forward to inviting in all of the wonderful women who make a difference in the lives of all of our children. See the letter below for all of the details:
Y6 SMART Council
Today in Year 6, we promoted the British Value of democracy through our smart school council session. Children were able to discuss what they would prefer to do with the extra day due to the leap year. The majority vote was to spend time with family and friends.
Mother’s Day Celebration Assemblies
Our Mother’s Day Celebration Assemblies take place today and the children are very excited.
Assembly times are as follows:
• EYFS @ 9 – 9.45am
• Y3 & Y4 @ 10.00 – 10.45am
• Y1 & Y2 @ 1.10 – 2.00pm
• Y5 & Y6 @ 2.10 – 2.50pm
EYFS Mother’s Day
Thank you to all of our special ladies that joined us today. We are so proud of the children for showing great confidence and fabulous singing! We hope you enjoyed spending time with your little ones, it was beautiful to hear their lovely words.
YR Mother’s Day Celebration Assemblies
We had the most beautiful morning celebrating all of our special ladies. The children made us all so proud today as they explained why you are all so special. We hope you loved your gifts and have a lovely weekend. #RPEnrichment
Y6 Mother’s Day Celebration Assemblies
Thank you to all of the fabulous ladies who attended todays Mother’s Day assembly. The children did us all proud with their lovely words and fabulous singing. We hope all of the significant women in our lives enjoy the celebrations
Y5 Picture News
In @HelpPicture this week, we asked ‘Should mobile phones be banned in all classrooms?’ This created some valid discussion points for and against the ban. #RPPSHE
Y4 Smart Council
Year 4 promoted the British Value of democracy through our smart school council session. Children were able to discuss ‘What ways can we be proud of ourselves and our school?’The majority vote was to treat each other with respect .
Y1 SMART Council
For our latest @SSCCTY meeting we discussed what ways we can be proud of our school and ourselves. We used our British values of respect and democracy to ensure that everybody had a say in our discussions before casting our votes! #RPBV #RPWellbeing
YR Picture News
Our @HelpPicture this week was one Reception could really relate to, they love being artist. We discussed leaving art in different places and how we value each other’s art. It links with our British Value of Respect and Tolerance.
Y2 SMART Council
Year 2 loved leading their smart school council meeting today. @SSCCTY They discussed & explored the impact

Y1 SMART Council
Following launching our new @OPAL_CIC playtimes, this weeks @SSCCTY meeting was focused on the impact that OPAL has had on our playtime in school. Promoting the British Value of democracy and tolerance, it was lovely to see what the children are enjoying most! #RPBV #RPPSHE
OPAL Golden Broom Award
Three of our year 1 children were awarded our Golden Broom Award this week for demonstrating an excellent attitude towards tidying up our resources and equipment ensuring it is well looked after and ready for the next children to use! Well done girls!
YR Picture News Assembly
In @HelpPicture this morning, we discussed what the past is and how we find things out. Children suggested we could read books, look on the internet or talk to an adult. They were very intrigued with this weeks question.
Y1 Smart Council
Our @SSCCTY meetings are pupil led and so this was a perfect chance to find out what they would like the reward to be for the house with the most house points and to share all of their ideas! Lots wanted bouncy castles but Taylor Swift and water parks were suggestions too!
Y2 Smart Council
Macy and Poppy did a fantastic job of leading our @SSCCTY meeting today. Our focus was what reward we would like for the house with the most house points. The children loved sharing their ideas and taking part in a democratic vote. #Democracy #BritishValues
Y4 Picture News Assembly
In our @HelpPicture today it focused on the British Value of democracy. The big question brought on a lot of thoughtful discussion #RPBritishValues
Y2 SMART Council
Y2 were democratic in their @SSCCTY meeting today. The children discussed the British Value respect & considered how they show & receive respect in school. One child said, “I feel respected @RobyParkSchool because it is a kind school and we celebrate differences.” #RPPSHE
KS1 Father’s Day Celebration Assembly
Thanks to everyone who attended our very special assembly. The children did us all proud & were superstars. Thanks for getting involved with our quiz fun and tie tying race. The children loved it and your Disney knowledge was surprisingly good! #RPAssembly
YR Picture News Assembly
During our @HelpPicture assembly, children shared that a good leader should be kind, talk to people nicely, make good rules to keep us safe and listen to others. They also had some ideas for the next Prime Minister!
YN Father’s Day
We loved celebrating all of our special men during our Father’s Day Celebration! We hope you had a lovely day, we love you all lots! We especially loved our dance off… #RPEnrichment
YN Picture News Assembly
This week’s @HelpPicture news related to individual liberty. We discussed the question ‘what makes a good friend?’ We think that a good friend is someone who is kind, plays with you and makes you laugh! We then shared some kind things that we like about our friends in class!

Y2 Rock Kidz

Y2 SMART Council Assembly
Our democratically elected school councillors loved leading their first @SSCCTY meeting. We discussed what things we are most looking forward to in school this year. #BritishValues #democracy #RPPSHE
Y3 Attendance Recognition
We were so lucky to win a mini disco prize on our Classopoly Attendance Recognition board! We had great fun and look forward to having our amazing attendance valued once more! #RPEnrichment

Y1 SMART Council
In our most recent @SSCCTY meeting, we asked children across school what extra curricular clubs they would like to see in the next half term. They asked and so we delivered – this half terms clubs have been decided by the children themselves! #RPPHSE #RPEnrichment
Armistice Day Service
On Monday @ 2.15pm we will be holding our annual Armistice Day service. We look forward to welcoming parents and carers to join us.

Y4 SMART Council
Our @SSCCTY session focused on the British Values of democracy and tolerance as we discussed how we could raise awareness of the upcoming anti-bullying week #RPBritishValues #RPSchoolCouncil
Y2 SMART Council
Our school councillors led our @SSCCTY session today focusing on the British Values of democracy & tolerance. We discussed how we could raise awareness of anti-bullying week & rocked out to @RockKidzUK giving us chance to discuss the message in the song #RPSchoolCouncil

Armistice Day 2024
Thank you to all parents and carers who attended our remembrance service today. It was a lovely opportunity to recognise those who have served and currently serving for our country. Well done to our year 6 speakers who did everyone proud. #RemembanceDay
Odd Socks Day for Anti-bullying Week

Y1 SMART Council
For our most recent @SSCCTY meeting, we focused on the British Values of democracy & tolerance. We discussed how we could raise awareness of anti-bullying week & rocked out to @RockKidzUK giving us chance to discuss the message in the song! #RPPHSE
Y1 Odd Socks Day
Today we wore odd socks to show our support for #AntiBullyingWeek as well as discussing ways we can show and receive respect with Jigsaw Jack
Y4 Odd Socks Day
Year 4 tuned in this morning with #BBCLiveLessons for #Antibullyingweek2024. This year’s theme is all about choosing respect; we thought about how we should treat others and how to deal with conflict with respect. We then created an acrostic poem about respect.

World Diabetes Day
Children can wear blue clothes to school today to raise awareness for World Diabetes Day
Children in Need
The best sort of day, is a pj day. £1 donations can be handed in on the doors or to class teachers. Thank you
Y6 Anti-bullying Week
This week it has been #AntiBullyingWeek2024. Year 6 have showed great respect towards each other and have discussed the importance of resolving issues appropriately. We loved the
Y6 World Diabetes Day
We came to school wearing blue to raise awareness for #WorldDiabetesDay2024
Y2 Anti-bullying Week

Y2 World Diabetes Day
A day that is close to our heart in Y2 so we came to school wearing blue to raise awareness for #WorldDiabetesDay2024
YR World Diabetes Day
Yesterday we wore blue to raise awareness for #WorldDiabetesDay2024
YR Children in Need
Today we came to school wearing our pyjamas to raise money for @BBCCiN and @timeforbeduk. We discussed the amazing work they do for children and families in the UK.
OPAL Golden Welly Award
Our golden wellie award went to a child in year 2 this week who has been a kind friend and gone out of her way to make sure people aren’t left out at playtimes. Well done!
YN Nano Duke Winner
Congratulations to one of our pupils in Nursery for completing her Nano Duke Award. She has completed all seven of the challenges meaning she has received a certificate and a badge!
Y3 Children in Need
Today we celebrated Children in Need by raising money, wearing our comfy pyjamas to school and reading some of our favourite stories in relaxing places around the classroom.
Y5 Anti-bullying Week
This week it has been #antibullyingweek2024. We have focused on the theme of respect and how to respect others and solve conflicts appropriately. We loved the @cbbc live lesson where we created our own acrostic poems about respect. #respect #RPPSHE

Junior Duke Winners
Congratulation to our first @JuniorDukeAward winners. Alice in YN is our first Nano Duke winner and Alex YR & Dolly YR are our first Mirco Duke winners. Well done on your accomplishments as well as earning 100 Class Chart points for your Houses
Odd Socks Competition
Congratulations to our odd socks competition winners who were photographed in the strangest of places or the most peculiar of ways. We hope you enjoy your @SmythsToysUK vouchers! #chooserespect

Y2 Class Assembly
Well done Y2! Your performance in your class assembly was fantastic. It was great to see the children share their learning with all of their grown ups so proudly & confidently. #RPEnrichment

KS1 Nativity
Introducing the stars of the KS1 Nativity – The King is Born
Years 1 and 2 put on a fantastic Christmas performance that they worked incredibly preparing for! You were all superstars and we are beyond proud of you all!
KS2 Christmas Performance
WOW! Well done to KS2 today for their fantastic Christmas Concert singing some Christmas Classics! You have all worked so hard and had a fantastic morning and afternoon performance! #RPEnrichment
Y1 SMART Council Assembly
Our latest @SSCCTY was focused on what we want to achieve this year We had sensible and exciting conversations within our groups, making sure everybody had their say! Most children in year 1 voted for learning a new sport! #RPPHSE #BritishValues
Y3 Picture News Assembly
We held our @HelpPicture session about whether we should be allowed to build homes anywhere. Year 3 discussed and understood both sides of the question and answers included the importance of green space and nature, along with how everyone should be able to buy a home!
YN Picture News Assembly
Picture News – This week Nursery have discussed what we love most about where we live. Daisy – I live next to a park. Louie – I love my house. Charlie – I live next to a train satiation. We also enjoyed talking about who we live with and what we like about our house!
Y4 OPAL Play Assembly
Today we completed one of our @OPAL_CIC assemblies which gave us a great opportunity to recap our play charter and to celebrate all of our Opal playtimes #RPEnrichent #RPPlaytimes
Y2 Picture News Assembly
During our @HelpPicture assembly Y2 explored & discussed why they like where they live. One child said, “I live near a field where I can play with my friends so that is fun.” Another child said, “I love the people I live close to because they are kind.” #Britishvalues #RPPSHE
Y2 OPAL Play Assembly
Y2 loved completing today’s @OPAL_CIC assembly on free flow lunchtimes. It was a great opportunity to recap our play charter, celebrate our play & discuss how free flow lunchtimes will work next week #RPEnrichent #RPPlaytimes

YR Picture News Assembly
This week our @HelpPicture assembly asked the question ‘What do you love most about where you live?’ Reception loved sharing why they love their house, such as liking their neighbours or living near their friends. We then designed our own houses, focusing on the different rooms
Y1 OPAL Attendance Recognition Prize
Year 1 won the attendance recognition prize and so were able to role the dice on our Classopoly board. We were really lucky to win a prize of our choice and as a class we decided on a movie and popcorn!
Attendance Recognition – 10.1.25
This week’s attendance recognition winners were Y4 & Y6.
“Well done to the class for making Mrs Lisa feel so welcome when joining our class and helping to show her the Roby Park way.” – Mr
Miss Beggs, “ Well done to the whole class returning to school with a positive attitude to learning and a great determination to complete
work to a high standard!”

Attendance Recognition – 17.1.25
This week’s attendance recognition winners were Y1 & Y4.
“Well done to Darcie who came into school with a positive attitude even though she wasn’t feeling 100%.” – Mr Couling.
Miss Clarkson, “Well done for showing a great attitude towards your forest school session, tying tricky knots and showing excellent navigation skills especially Paddy, Trudi, Wyatt, Junior and Jude who all earned their navigation badge!”
YR Picture News Assembly
We discussed YouTube and what we enjoy watching or playing. Reception had some great things that they watch such as ‘Peppa Pig’, ‘Lucas the Spider’ and even ‘Everton at Goodison Park’! They love playing lots of games and listening to songs on YouTube too.
Y1 Picture News Assembly
Our @HelpPicture assembly today had us talking all things YouTube! We discussed how we liked that we could use YouTube to watch things that make us laugh, to play games and also to learn. We think it would be good if YouTube had more on it that we could learn from #RPPHSE
Y3 Picture News Assembly
In our @HelpPicture session today, we discussed the limits on children’s media. We responded very maturely and acknowledged why rules are important for protecting children, especially online.
Y4 Picture News Assembly
In our @HelpPicture assembly today we focused on the British Value of democracy. The assembly question brought up some fantastic discussion around personal responsibility and the responsibility on the government #RPBritishValues #RPAssembly
Y5 Picture News Assembly
In today’s picture news assembly we discussed how children’s watching habits had changed and whether YouTube needed more rules for younger users.
SM: Children may become addicted to technology.
RW: Children may play out less.
LF: Children aren’t going to be as educated.

Y6 Picture News Assembly
During picture news today, we explored restrictions for platforms such as YouTube. We had a great discussion with responses such as “I think that there should be more rules, because there are too many things that we shouldn’t be able to see”

Y2 Picture News Assembly
Our @HelpPicture assembly today had us talking about YouTube! This was something we could all relate to. We think it would be good if there were more YouTube clips that help us with reading, phonics & maths & these were advertised to us more. #RPPHSE
Y6 SMART Council Assembly

YN SMART Council Assembly
For our @SSCCTY meeting we discussed what we could do in school to help our wellbeing. We decided that we would like to exercise and be more active, with Nursery enjoying our daily mile! #RPPSHE
Y5 SMART Council Assembly
In our smart school council assembly we discussed mental health week and what we can do in school to help our wellbeing.
Y1 SMART Council Assembly
Ahead of #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek, our @SSCCTY meeting this week asked what we could do in school to help our well-being? We had a very sensible discussion and lots of children voted for spending time with other classes reading!
Y2 SMART Council Assembly
Ahead of #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek, our @SSCCTY meeting this week asked what we could do in school to help our well-being? Lots of children in Y2 want to use exercise and be more active next week to support their well-being.
Y4 SMART Council Meeting
Ahead of #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek, our
meeting this week asked what we could do in school to help our well-being? This brought about some very insightful discussions around wellbeing!