Uniform Shop
Our school uniform policy is as follows:
Foundation Stage |
KS1 & KS2 |
Uniform |
Burgundy school book bag with logo (optional) White polo shirt Burgundy school jumper/cardigan with logo Grey trousers or skirt/pinafore Black shoes/pumps with velcro Black, grey or white socks Soft hair bobbles only – burgundy, black or white
Burgundy school book bag with logo (optional) White polo shirt Burgundy school jumper/cardigan with logo Grey trousers or skirt/pinafore Black shoes Black, grey or white socks Soft hair bobbles only – Burgundy, black or white |
PE Kit |
Plain white t-shirt with school logo Plain burgundy shorts Navy blue tracksuit with school logo Black pumps |
Plain white t-shirt with school logo Plain burgundy shorts Navy blue tracksuit with school logo Trainers |
In the Summer, white and pink gingham summer dresses and grey shorts can be worn. Children should not wear playsuits as they are restricting and hinder their independence.
Sandals, white shoes and jelly shoes are not uniform and during the Summer term, children should remain wearing black school shoes.
In Autumn term 1, it is still often warm so if parents and carers want to return children to school in their Summer uniform, that is also fine.
Our Roby Park branded logo jumpers, cardigans, bookbags and tracksuits can be purchased from Lisa’s Schoolwear on East Prescot Road. In the Summer term, we provide parents and carers with a voucher for a free P.E. kit from Lisa’s Schoolwear. Thank you to our sponsors Next Energy for sponsoring our P.E. kits.
All other items can be purchased from supermarkets and shops.
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