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Religious Education Chatter

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During RE day this week Y5 have developed their understanding of Islam


During RE day this week Y5 have developed their understanding of Islam. Children learned about the Islamic creation story, the main beliefs of Islam and compared them with Christianity and Judaism. One of our classmates respectfully shared the Salat Prayer Ritual with us.

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Y2 Religious Education


Today the children learnt about the Christian religion. They found out when the tradition of Advent started; they explored why Christians celebrate Christmas; and they leant about the symbolism of christingles. #RPRE

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Y2 Religious Education


This week in RE the children have been learning about special places in Christianity. We looked at the specific parts of a church, found out the purpose of stained glass windows and had a go at making our own stained glass windows. #RPRE

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Y2 Religious Education


This week in RE the children have been learning about special places in Christianity. We looked at the specific parts of a church, found out the purpose of stained glass windows and had a go at making our own stained glass windows. #RPRE

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Y2 Religious Education


This week in RE we have been learning why Christians celebrate Easter & what the key events are in the Easter story. In one of our lessons we learnt what the bread & wine (blackcurrant juice in our case) symbolise & why it is important to Christians & their faith #RPRE #Easter

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Y2 Religious Education


Y2 enjoyed a fantastic trip to  @StBartsRoby. We were able to find some of the important parts of the church by completing a fun scavenger hunt. We developed a better understanding of why Christians celebrate Easter and we found out that the building is 174 years old #RPRE #Easter

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YN Easter Story


After learning about the Easter story and discussing the importance of the cross, we sang our nursery rhyme of the week, ‘Hot Cross Buns’. We then tasted some yummy hot cross buns… we thought they were delicious! 

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Y5 Religious Education


Our Religious Education this unit half term is Precious. Children brought something that is precious to them to discuss with the class. #RPRE

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Y3 Religious Education


In RE, we considered what made someone responsible or irresponsible, whether adults and children have the same responsibilities and the responsibilities of a Christian. We finished by painting the responsibilities that we have too. #RPRE