Attendance League Winners on 19.6.15ffff

Congratulations to Year 5 who had an EXCELLENT attendance record this week of 99%

We need everyone in school next week to boost each class’ attendance so we can hit our 95% target!


Class Present Marks Authorised


Unauthorised Absences %


Reception 177/200 4.0 7.5 88.5
1 289/300 1.3 2.3 96.3
2 270/290 0.0 6.9 93.1
3 253/260 0.0 2.7 97.3
4 274/290 4.8 0.7 94.5
5 208/210 0.0 1.0 99.0
6 153/170 1.2 8.8 90.0